Chapter 59 Did you like Audrey?

Eden had gone to the restroom and when she returned to the box to find Sterling, she saw him leaving swiftly like a shooting star.

Eden quickly chased after.

He found that Sterling’s face was even colder than when he saw him on Line.

“Sterling, what’s wrong? Aren’t you going to have dinner with Audrey?”

Sterling walked to a dark, narrow alley next to Taste of Euphoria, his tall and stern figure leaning against the wall. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and tossed one to Eden.

Eden took out a lighter and cupped her hands to light a fire for Sterling.

The orange glow of the streetlight shone on Sterling’s sharply defined. profile, while the other half of his face was hidden in the shadows, adding an air of mystery and darkness to him.

“Sterling, did Audrey upset you again?”

Sterling tilted his smooth, firm chin slightly upward, slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, “What do you think of her feelings for Corbin?”

Eden, “I… I’m not sure either.”

Sterling cast a cold glance, “Speak plainly.”

school knew that, and she did a lot


Eden shrugged, “Corbin always kept her hanging. Honestly, if Audrey pursued me like that, I

if Eden had thought of something. He waved his hand again. “You and

a straight face and didn’t say

Allison stood by his

Gabriel and Allison rarely visited him. He couldn’t feel his parents‘ affection for him, and Corbin never treated him like a

the Howard family, he tried to mend relations with them, but they consistently treated him with cold violence. Regardless of whether he was good or bad,

and Allison, without asking any questions,

then, he had understood that he was just a surplus person in his family!

in a black down jacket,

walked a long way


quiet, and


Did you like Audrey?

ice sculpture, not moving

car pulled up beside

hair dyed in various colors and her face heavily made

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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