Chapter 91 So It Was Her (1)

At that time, the other competitors who had finished the competition, were heading back to the dressing room to change their clothes.

Someone walked up to the dressing room door, pushed it, only to find it was locked from the inside.

“Eh, why can’t the door be opened?”

“Did you hear that? It seemed like there was some noise inside.”

A glint flashed in Elise’s eyes as she walked from the dressing room, she had already understood Kelsey’s intentions by then.

After what happened today. Audrey’s reputation would be completely ruined. Even if she was Rylan’s biological daughter, she would only be a disgrace wherever she went!

Rylan also faintly heard the voices of a girl and a man inside, his face immediately turned extremely embarrassed.

Mabel and Carlie exchanged glances, seeing excitement and anticipation in each other’s eyes.

Mabel whispered to Carlie, “I went to tell the headmaster and the principal.”

Carlie nodded. “Go ahead!”

After causing such a scandal, how could Audrey continue to get by at Elsa Noble High School?

to see Audrey

Chapter 911

both thrilled and excited.

help coming from the changing room. Due to the good sound insulation, it wast impossible to tell whose voice it was. Rylan, worried that it might

time, they probably haven’t done

anger welled up


away, he lifted his foot and

kicking twice in succession, the

slender figure, with disheveled hair and wrapped in a towel, stood next to the cabinet, its features indistinguishable.

and wearing black boxer shorts. His

red scratch marks.

Rylan’s brow

other students who had rushed over upon hearing the

saw Audrey’s backpack and student ID on the ground, his face instantly

quickly shut the door, preventing others

Rylan, who was ready to punch the young man, with

11 1

Was Her

first,” she said.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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