Chapter 104 Accompanied Her to the Racecourse

When leaving the medical office, Audrey happened to see the chestnut horse being transported out of the school.

Audrey stopped in her tracks, her eyes fixed on the gradually receding transport truck.

Sterling stood beside Audrey, his dark narrow eyes glanced at her, “Thinking about the horse?”

Audrey bit her thin, pearly teeth into her lower lip, pondering, “The horses for the school competition were all tamed. How could the one I rode suddenly go wild?”

If her mental strength and reaction ability had been a bit weaker, she would have been thrown off the horse immediately, resulting in minor injuries at best, or severe disfigurement and broken limbs at worst!

Sterling glanced at Audrey beside him, her hands slightly clenched into fists. His slender eyebrows raised, “The horse must have been tampered with.”

No sooner had Sterling finished speaking than Audrey started walking towards the school exit.

Sterling followed her, his slender hand gripping her delicate arm, “Where are you going?“,

“I went to the racetrack to see that horse.”

Sterling pulled Audrey to his motorcycle, “Get on, I’ll take you there.”

Audrey took the helmet he handed over and skillfully climbed onto the


back seat.

caught up with

racetrack, Audrey had

stable. Although it was no longer frantic, it looked unwell, as if it could collapse


as Audrey was about to approach the horse, Sterling pulled

a moment, she asked softly. “Why


didn’t hold back..

jade–like forehead was reddened by

her lips,

coldly, “Serves you right!”

about the past, can’t she just stop. mentioning it in the

horse, which was panting heavily and seemed to still be

its mane, waiting until

33 60%


horse’s pupils, then circled around

a small red

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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