Chapter 122 He was infuriated by her!

Audrey was very attentive in class, taking notes, answering questions, without the slightest distraction or bad mood.

Sterling had a bit of knowledge about the rumors in the campus.

Fake things, he couldn’t be bothered to respond.

Audrey had actually noticed that unignorable gaze from the back row.

She forced herself not to look back.

She didn’t know why he was always watching her.

Although she was clear in her conscience, she always felt uneasy under such scrutiny, as if a thorn was in her back.

After class, Audrey and Ingrid went to the restroom.

Sterling didn’t find the opportunity to talk to her.

After the second period ended, she and Ingrid left the classroom again.

The third period ended, and I still left the classroom.

Sterling touched his right cheek with the tip of his tongue, chuckling softly.

It was clear, she was avoiding him.

The last class of the morning had ended, and before the teacher had even left the classroom, Sterling had already stood up and moved to Audrey’s desk.


was infuriated by her

even if she

She looked

me in the cafeteria, I’ll come over in

Ingrid left, Audrey looked up at the sullen and cold–faced boy, “What’s wrong with you?

to leave, she had to step over his legs, so she simply sat in her chair and looked

stared into her beautifully radiant eyes, “What did you

was taken aback, not expecting him to ask her

quite well–matched.” Audrey said, feigning nonchalance, a slight smile playing on her

be covered with a layer of frost. A dark, cold and ruthless look emerged between his brows and eyes, his voice was low and cold without a hint of warmth, “You sure can hide a

turned around and left.

air around, once frozen, slowly returned


Ingrid in






was infuriated by her!

prepared her meal.

her fair and delicate face, “Little crybaby, what’s

Audrey found her to be innocent and kind, as well

lowered her thick, black lashes, lightly

run into Eden, who came to the cafeteria with his new girlfriend. The girlfriend liked sweet and sour ribs, and she bought the last two portions, which upset the girlfriend who

but failed, so he asked Ingrid

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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