Chapter 148 Can I Give My Brother a Hug?

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Chapter 148 Can I Give My Brother a Hug?

Before he could react, she had taken the cigarette from his fingertips.

to stop it, but it was already too late..

back of her fair and delicate hand.

the ash from her hand, her skin was delicate and fair. After the ash fell on it, it turned

the back of her hand, his features sharp and cold, his voice low and tense,

minor injury was nothing compared to what she had endured in her past life. It was truly a case

man in front of her was so nervous and

lifted her long, thick eyelashes, looking at the young man’s cold, chiseled facial features. Her lips

suddenly stiffened, her voice was both light and soft, when she called out the word ‘brother‘, it was as if a current of electricity

jaw became even more

called out a

his ear over and over again,




13:08 M).


brushing against the bottom

the anger, how great the annoyance, it all disappeared

knew this was not a good

I cared about her too much.


eyes, looking at her with a complex and deep

at his slender, dark eyebrows and eyes, his deeply defined facial features, and his sharp contours. She pursed her lips and said softly, “I want to apply to Seffolk University. Brother, if

his right cheek, a hint of a cold smirk on his handsome face, provoked by her. “Not now?”

in high school then, and academics were our main focus. As long as we were on the same page emotionally, we could

his scarlet thin lips tightly closed and said nothing.

in his grades? Don’t worry, how about I, the top student in my grade, tutor

the words left my mouth than I received a flick on the forehead from him.

that terrible, Sterling?”




hummed, “Last time, my brother seemed to be the third from the bottom in the exam, didn’t he?”

was truly amused by her, “So you look down on me that much, huh? Just wait, we’ll see if you’re

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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