Chapter 150 She was wronged!

Audrey looked at Elise, who made no attempt to hide the smugness in her eyes. She slightly curled her lips, “I understand.”

“It’s good that you understand, Auntie hopes that one day, you could call me Mom!”

Audrey’s smile deepened, she didn’t speak again.

Seeing Audrey not annoyed at all, Elise sneered in her heart.

The old lady was so seriously ill that Audrey’s support was about to collapse. Once she joined the Watson family in the future and had a son, Audrey would have nothing to fear!

Elise left the Watson’s house in a good mood.

Audrey entered the old lady’s room, just as Laura had brought in a bowl of medicine.

Audrey helped the old lady sit up and personally fed her the medicine.

The old lady turned away, “It’s too bitter, Audra, Grandma doesn’t want to eat.”

“Good medicine tastes bitter, but it’s beneficial for the illness, grandma. Only by taking the medicine will your health improve…”

old lady waved her hand

had spilled medicine. on herself and hurried over to help her wipe



She was wrongest

my clothes,


changing her clothes, Audrey went to the small kitchen where the

wiped the sweat off her forehead, and said. “Miss, the


and leave, when Audrey, who was opening the lid of the

medicine jar with chopsticks, her gaze sharply turning to Laura. “No wonder grandmother’s condition hasn’t improved, it turns out you’ve been

but it could damage the heart, liver, kidneys, nerves, etc., accompanied by fever. chest. tightness, vomiting, incessant irritability. In severe cases,

her legs going weak. “Miss.

contains a small amount of Thunder Vine. You’re trying to harm grandma’s life, and now I’ve caught

as she shook her head, “Miss, please don’t accuse me unjustly.


medicine exactly as the butler instructed,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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