Chapter 156 Got Slapped in the Face Hard, Didn’t You!

The hotel manager respectfully replied. “The gill giver only revealed. that Miss Wen had given him warmth during his lowest times. Now that he has the ability, he wants to express his gratitude and repay Mins Wen ”

Audrey, who originally hadn’t been paying attention to the gill–giving. suddenly stiffened her slender b*dy upon hearing the hotel manager’s words

She quickly walked up to the scroll painting and took a close look at it.

Butterfly–like long eyelashes, a violent shudder.

Was this… from Sterling?

How could he be so extravagant?

“Manager, this painting is too valuable, we couldn’t accept it…‘

Before Audrey could finish her sentence, the hotel manager said, “That gentleman said that this painting is no different from waste paper in hist hands. If Mr. Watson doesn’t take it, he can only throw it away as garbage.”

As soon as the manager’s words fell, cold gasps echoed around.

Was the person who gave the gift so rich that money was like scrap paper to him?

Such a precious and rare painting, he actually treated it as garbage?

“Could this painting be a forgery?”


156 Gut

it was worth

a replica, it’s the genuine work of Mr. Wu!”

piece was indeed valuable, not something that

lip, hesitating for a moment in

she hadn’t accepted it, he might have really thrown

“Dad, take it!‘

man casually bought a

have caused any trouble for

If you don’t accept it, he really will throw it away. A famous. painting should stay in the hands of

“I’ll write you a check later, and you

Audrey, “Okay.”

have forgotten. about the four treasures of the study gifted by Corbin.

by one as if they were looking


had provided warmth and assistance during their lowest moments If that person was still young, perhaps a wonderful story could have been achieved

teeth secretly, his fee turning green

gift for a long time, thinking it would dazzle the entire party Unexpectedly, it was just a flash

fists tightly, a ball of anger lodged in his chest. Wasn’t it enough that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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