Chapter 173 His Eyes Held a Deeper Meaning

After receiving the check, Audrey went to school.

She met Sterling. Eden and a few others at the school gate.

They emerged from the small shop across from the school, with Sterling in the middle. He wasn’t wearing his school uniform that day, but a black jacket with the zipper undone. His hands were tucked into his pockets, chewing gum in his mouth. His clean, cold face exuded a sense of casual nonchalance.

Eden was the first to spot Audrey at the school gate, and winked at Sterling.

and he smirked

Sterling lifted his head to look at Audrey, his dark, deep–set eyes slightly narrowed, the contours of his face suddenly becoming more sharp and fierce.

Last night, he made two calls that went unanswered. He waited until midnight, but she didn’t even reply with a single message.

Audrey saw his expression and also remembered not answering his call.

At that time, her stepfather was around, but then he got delayed due to other matters, and she forgot to get back to him.

A few boys quickly came over.

Sterling stopped in his tracks. letting Eden and the others go ahead.

After Eden left, Sterling looked at Audrey, who was standing a few steps away from him, and said heavily, “Aren’t you coming over?”


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jogpost up to him, her eyes clear and bright as

thin line, his

from her backpack. “My dad asked me to give this to you. The painting is

by the slender hand of the young man, who was about to tear it into pieces. Audrey quickly stopped him.

at the corner of his lip. “Bring

are you sure you don’t

of his lower lip, his smile a bit wicked, a bit mischievous. “If your father thinks it’s too much, you can ask him, is

white as jade flushing red. “You just want me to owe you more and more. so that when the time comes.

right cheek with the tip of his tongue, amused by her words. His slender and clean fingers pinched her rosy little face,

slapped his hand away.

talking to

her face with both hands and

with her in a few strides. his sharp–featured handsome face close to hers. “Remember the four words I

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him in embarrassment and anger,

her backpack, slipped the check into it. and said. “Don’t pay this money

me like a

his thin lips curving slightly, “Still a child indeed.” He said, hands in his pockets, and


seconds to understand the meaning of his words.

What the hell??

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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