Chapter 182 11e had pulled her tightly into his arme

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ground glimeved at the sports car pust be Aud

These who and Soda Ferrar pe ce at have been well af


The Nile girl Roked panel pretty, not at all hke a bad person

The seats gurd was somewhat worried that she might have been

cked by had people late at night

ittle girl, it’s so late, weren’t you going to go home and rest?“

was a classmate of Sterling’s, I needed to find him urgently.

The security guard said. “Both young masters of the Howard family were not at home, they went to the hospital.

Audrey’s heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Went to the hospital?

“Uncle, what happened to them?”

Seeing the unmistakable worry and anxiety in Audrey’s eyes, the security guard quickly said, “I heard that Sterling hit Corbin, hit him really hard. Sterling usually looks so cold and unapproachable, this time he even hit his own brother-”

Audrey suddenly raised her voice, her delicate and beautiful face instantly turning a few degrees colder, “He hit Corbin, there must be a reason!”

The security guard was taken aback.


11 18

looked gentle and sweet on the outside, actually had such

quickly realized her mistake, apologized to the security guard, then get into her sports

to, but she subconsciously drove to a hospital in


the parking lot and went to the reception. desk in the

nurse at the consultation desk said, “A tall and thin young man who looks even better


into t

think I saw him

the direction

the garden


night, a crescent moon hung in the night sky, casting down a cool silver glow, making that lone figure appear even more

weather had gradually turned cold, yet he

white shirt, with a glaring crimson stain on

his collar.

the night sky, feeling so lonely as



only person left

heart, slightly shrank.

of suffocation that

the dessert and squatted down in front of the young

grasp his large hand that was resting on


and icy, as if devoid

gripped it tightly in her own hand, wanting him to feel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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