Chapter 195 She Arrived at the Hospital

Jacco subconsciously sat up straight.

Those deep, profound eyes fell upon the girl on the stage.

He just took a closer look, and almost swore out loud.

“Why wasn’t it my child?”

Danna also frowned in confusion.

Danna had some impression of the female host on stage. In the past, her friend Audra had even brought her home for dinner, they had a good relationship.

“I’ll go check backstage,” Jacob stood up.

Danna wanted him to wait and see, but Jacob was clearly uneasy and got up to leave the hall.

Jacob stepped out of the auditorium and saw a boy acting suspiciously. He asked in a deep voice, “Excuse me, do you know where the backstage is?”

The boy who was asked, was indeed Jase, who was ordered by Eden to monitor Jacob.

He said to Jacob, “Follow me.”

Walking into the dimly lit part of the hall, Jacob slightly squinted his deep, mysterious eyes. “Kid, you seem to have hostility towards me?”

brought the person. Everyone,



11:20 m

from the shadows with a few others,

a harsh statement, urging Jacob to leave Audrey voluntarily, but the moment Jacob looked at him,

How was Rylan?

Eden’s face became quite spectacular for

thirties, right? An old cow eating tender grass, that’s just wishful thinking!” Jase said

Jase a look, signaling him to

He was still threatening Jacob, “If you know what’s good

who had surrounded him, his smile not reaching his eyes, appearing ominous and

kid, aren’t

sentence, Eden smacked him hard on the back of his

Jase. “…dear?”

Jacob’s laugh became even more sinister and terrifying.



turned pale with fright, hastily bowing to Jacob, “Rylan. I was Islnd and

to run.

of his neck. “Spill it, which one of you

he was scared, he couldn’t betray Sterling. This father–in–law didn’t seem like an ordinary person, he was hard to

taxi to the city

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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