Chapter 110 Where Do I Stay

When Eileen woke up, it was already the weekend of the following day. It felt as if she had experienced a catastrophe in her dreams. The pajamas she wore were almost soaked, and her body was burning up like a furnace.

Mary, breathing heavily, carried the oatmeal upstairs. Climbing up to the fifth floor was no easy task for an old woman like her. When she saw Eileen sitting on the bed, lost in thought with a vacant look in her eyes, she couldn’t tell what Eileen was thinking.

Eileen hadn’t even noticed when Mary entered. It was only when she heard Mary’s voice that she turned around.

“Ms. Eileen, you’ve been asleep for a whole day and night. Please eat something!” Mary said.

Eileen looked at Mary with teary eyes. “What did the police say to Dad when they came yesterday?”

Mary replied, “I didn’t understand what they were saying either! But they assured me that they would handle the situation for you. Mr. Swan’ won’t let the man who threatened you with a knife get away with it.”

Eileen looked away, her eyelashes trembling as she glanced at the bandaged gauze on the back of her hand. Without much thought, she had already guessed Hector’s fate. Dad will surely make him pay a thousandfold. Even if he ends up in prison, he will be in utter despair. But there’s nothing I can do about it.

Eileen carefully sipped her oatmeal. She couldn’t apply too much force with her hand as it would strain her stitches, making eating a bit of a struggle.

As Mary left the room, Eileen noticed that a significant amount of furniture was missing. The paintings that once adorned the walls were gone.

“Mary, where are my paintings?” Eileen asked.

Mary suddenly remembered something. “Since you moved in, there have been frequent dangerous situations. The gentleman said it’s because of the poor feng shui of the house. Wel need to renovate the room in a few days.”

Eileen’s hand, holding the bowl, visibly trembled. “If the room is being renovated, where am I supposed to live?”

“You might have to stay at Mr. Snow’s house for a few days,” Mary answered.


Mary didn’t expect such a strong reaction from Eileen. The bowl of oatmeal she was holding, barely touched, was thrown, shattering into pieces on the floor.

it was just a joke from Will, but she didn’t expect it

had already packed

of delicious dishes, Eileen could only eat the oatmeal in her bowl. She lowered her head, took a few spoonfuls, and said, “Dad, does it have to be Eric’s house?

and I need to go out for a while. With me not at home, there won’t be anyone to look after you. If you stay at Eric’s place, there will be someone to watch over you, which will ease my worries a bit.”

care of

classes without permission. I haven’t even dealt with that issue

could do to change the

trying to mediate, said, “Alright. There’s no need to be so harsh. Eileen simply doesn’t want to leave home: She didn’t want any of this to happen. Eileen, when we

melancholic nod, Eileen didn’t say anything more.

afternoon, Gavin came to pick her up,

packed all her belongings, filling several large boxes, and


changing. Unexpectedly, even those items required five

but there was a holiday the following week. After Christmas, New Year’s Eve would

Eileen saw Sharon and Vera waiting downstairs since

the car stopped, Sharon hurriedly

grabbed her injured hand, her face full of concern. “Let me see! You poor thing. How did

doesn’t hurt at all. It’s just a little scrape, and it’ll heal in a few

room is ready. However, I hope you don’t mind sharing a room with me. I’m

showed no particular emotion. From childhood to adulthood, she had always been alone in her own room. She was not accustomed to living with

They saw that an additional

preferences, all in soft, pastel colors. There was also a pink teddy bear on the head of the bed, a birthday gift she had

an identical one, placed

under someone else’s roof, Eileen didn’t have the right to express her dislikes. “Thank you. I really like it.”

were worried that you might not. You’re still not well, so you should rest. Sharon and I can take care

“I’m fine now.

assist you!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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