Chapter 34 The Wrong Person 


Lexie called Joshua a few times before Joshua came back to his senses. “What?” 

Lexic sat on the wooden bench and looked up at him. “I called you a few times. Something going on?” 

“No,” Joshua said as he put his phone into his suit pocket, “Let me help you back to the ward.” 

He held Lexie and walked back. All he could think about was the photo that Robin had sent him. 

They stayed for the night last night, and they even showed up at the entertainment venue together today... 

Are they two together

When Joshua saw the photo just now, he had the urge to rush to the scene. 

In the end, he restrained himself. 

After learning that Timothy was planning to invest in the project of Riven Group, he immediately stopped Timothy. 

After all, the Parkhurst family was not a small family to ignore. If he wanted to push Timothy, he had to pay a greater price. 

From the withdrawal to stopping Timothy‘s actions, Joshua had done enough ridiculous things. 

He should not have lost his mind for Anaya. 

Joshua decided that Anaya was not worth him wasting so much energy. 

After Anaya left, Samuel showed up. 

Hearst looked at Samuel and asked, “Did you let her in?” 

He had an exclusive practice ground in the shooting range, and without permission, outsiders would not be able to enter at all. 

“Ms. Dutt called Jayden today for the investment thing. I thought you would be happy if she came over...” Samuel said as he shrank his neck 

He didn‘t know why his brother seemed to be unhappier. 

“Tell Jayden to make an arrangement according to the process with anyone else when Anaya calls to ask about the investment next time.” 

Adams said that he wanted Anaya to grow up, so Hearst did not help her. 

But he couldn‘t just sit still when Anaya came to him. 

He would give her everything she wanted. 

Samuel was puzzled. “You can make the call for such a small amount of money. Why bother the process? Aren‘t you afraid that Ms. Dutt will go back and beg her ex–husband if you keep doing this?” 

“You are grounded. 5 days.” 

Samuel was speechless. 

that he would seal his mouth

up and called Jayden again.

already prepared to be rejected, but she did not expect Jayden agreed to meet her, and Jayden seemed to

prepare the relevant information for

if the setbacks that she had suffered a while

to working with your company.” Jayden reached out her fair, slender hand

her. “I should be the one saying this. Thanks for

may ask, Mr. Helms should know the predicament of the Dutt family. Why would he say yes to

a straight face, “Mr. Helms values the potential of the Dutt family.

answer was simple and formal,

was difficult to make a

like Jared shouldn‘t

vote for these projects.

that I

was already close

asked the employees

this what happened to Adams. She thought that Adams would be very happy, but he only sighed heavily.

having a hard

could be unbelievably fragile or

had walked a long way alone with teeth gritted, but she never feel bitter.

unintentional words made her want to

alright. Just some small problems.” She opened the food box, “I haven‘t cooked for you in a long time. I made

the topic. Adams saw through her lie and followed her topic. “Why the light food again? I feel like I am going

nutritionists. They can


if he knew

too many things going on that she had been ignoring Sammo.

grew longer and the drooping hair would

quickly replied, “I know one. But it is not

be too much to ask?”

I‘ll pick you up

not pay attention to

The water that the woman was holding was knocked

woman said it first. She bent down in a panic and kept apologizing.

and urgent tone as if she had done something very

actually, she was the one to


Silvia, who was bowing and apologizing, raised her head.

today, covering her scarred face,

clean, with

“Why are you

staying in this hospital.”

was the best private hospital in Boston. The consultation fee was expensive and the medical technology there was the most

sent her mother here for treatment. It must be a serious

affairs, so‘she didn‘t ask further,

mother and followed Anaya home.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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