Chapter 14 Where Are You Taking My Wife


Hearst carried Anaya down the stairs, as easily as holding a light cat. He walked firm and steady. 

Martin and the driver were waiting for Hearst at seat Bos. 

This was the seat of Anaya and Aracely. 

When Hearst went upstairs, Martin came over to guard Aracely. 

Martin saw that Anaya had fainted and asked, “Is she alright? Do you need my help?” 

“No, she just fell asleep.” Hearst looked at the driver and said lightly, “Send Ms. Tarleton home.” 

“Yes.” The driver nodded. 

Hearst took Anaya‘s bag and continued walking. 

He looked around and found Anaya‘s car at a glance. 

Hearst put her down, held her in his arms, and searched for the car keys in her bag. 

Anaya slept in a daze. Her head was rubbing against his chest like a cat‘s paw scratching his heart. It was a little itchy. 

Hearst said with a faint smile as he placed his large palm on top of her head and pressed it lightly, “Don‘t move.” 

Anaya moaned and quieted down. 

Hearst bent down to put her in the passenger seat, fastened the seat belt, straightened up, and prepared to close the car door. 

A hand reached out from behind him, pulled the car door, and stopped him. 

“Sir, where are you taking my wife?” 

Hearst turned around and met Joshua‘s deep, dark eyes. 

Hearst turned around. The smile in his eyes disappeared. He said, “Are you her husband? I saw you leave with another woman just now.” 

“That is...” Joshua was speechless. For a moment, he did not know how to explain. He just said, “Although I was hugging another woman just now, I was her husband. Return my wife to me!” 

Joshua and his friends changed places to play, but he was still thinking about the situation at the bar. 

not far from here. He could not help but return to take a look.

taken by a strange man

a strange man. Why is this woman

back just now, what would happen to

cold. “I heard that you are

think about how this strange man knew so much about him and Anaya. He

will divorce sooner or

now. If you dare to touch her, I will

worry, I won‘t touch her until you officially divorce her,” Hearst said in a

many years. He was

gritted his

he mean? As soon as we divorce, will he pursue


her and abandon her, you are not allowed to touch her!”

to be

which completely angered Joshua.

face, Joshua reached out his hand to

Joshua‘s hand and said in a low voice, “Mr. Maltz, now that you have decided

dreadful. He decided to

from behind him. “Joshua, I’ve been looking for you for


took Joshua‘s arm. “You suddenly disappeared. Everyone is looking

seemed to have just noticed

rationality and coldly shook off Hearst‘s

indifferent. “I am

again, “What are you doing?”


his best to restrain himself. He said, “Didn‘t

Anaya. It doesn‘t matter to me which man took her

any case, she is your wife. If she left with someone

and blurted out, “She is a promiscuous woman. It‘s none of my

he left

close the car door, only to see the person in the car looking out of the

voice before

driver‘s seat. Just as he touched the car door, his phone

a beauty just now. Will you come back after you send her

“No.You guys play.” 

and asked, “Have you found a volunteer for that project of Smoak

success rate is still low. Nobody

room 206 of the Night Pub.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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