Chapter 280 Anaya Feels Much Worse

The wall was a little cold, but the kiss falling from above was hot.

There was no gentleness in the kiss, and every breath was filled with strong possessiveness.

Because Hearst was too strong, Anaya felt numb and uncomfortable.

She refused, but Hearst had no intention of retreating. Instead, he grabbed her hand and reached out to lift
her clothes.

Hearst’s cold fingertips touched Anaya’s soft skin, causing Anaya to tremble and resist even more violently However, today, Hearst did not intend to follow her wishes at all.


The coolness went up along the waistline and lingered on the soft spot.

There was no ambiguity, only pain.

Anaya suddenly felt a little wronged.

Hearst had always yielded to her in everything, but today he was like an abuserAfter being used to his good, Anaya felt so much worse than when others mistreated herShe closed her eyes and stopped struggling.

It was as if all of Anaya’s anger had been drained and Hearst was allowed to move at his will Sensing that something was wrong with Anaya, Hearst finally stopped He withdrew his kiss and his hand as well.

After a long period of silence, Hearst was the one who lost.

In the dispute between the two, whoever softened his or her heart first would be the loser.

Hearst let go of Anaya’s hand and gently hugged her with one hand. He lifted her face and said, “Ana, look at

Hearst’s voice was a little low, so hoarse that it seemed as if his chest was trembling slightly.

He hated it when she was like this.

It made him even more uncomfortable than when she said breakup to him.

Anaya opened her eyes, and the tears in her eyes were hidden by the darkness.

“Jared, think about what I said tonight,” Anaya said hoarsely.

“You know I won’t agree.” Hearst leaned over and rested his forehead on her shoulder. “Tell me, what made
you unhappy?”

Anaya grabbed his clothes and said nothing Hearst’s patience was worn out by Anaya, and he released her, helping her tidy up her clothes.

ink–black pupils darker in the

to tell me, then I’ll check it



was trembling

clothes tightly and bit her

there was the smell of blood between her teeth did she continue, “I… Something happened recently, and my thoughts

it myself. Can you give me some time? During this period, don’t do anything and

of getting rid of me?” Hearst asked, pulling Anaya into his

I meant,” said Anaya, who was in Hearst’s arms His broad and steady chest was

raised her hand, and hugged him back. “I was in a bad mood

big happened to me, and I don’t know

time. I will confess to you after

planted a kiss on her forehead. ‘Is it something


saying, “You want to separate


Anaya was silent.


on her body seemed to never be

cowardice and

“I don’t know”

as her voice fell, her lips

tip of Anaya’s nose, brushed

time, you have to give a

I’m not sure… and I

definite answer,”

lie to me, it is

do it, I’m responsible

voice was very pleasant to

Anaya shuddered.

the past, she did not know that

tip of her ear,

his hand tightly

Anaya wanted to choose to escape It was Hearst who forcibly pulled her out of her protective shell again, giving her the courage to stay “You have to promise me that you won’t

until she had enough courage to confess again At that time, whether Hearst accepted her or pushed her away, Anaya

forcing herHe would give her time But if Anaya wanted to leave him, Hearst would never give her the chance Anaya’s heart was in a mess for two days, and

of whether the result was good or bad, at

did not allow any further saying “Stay

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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