Chapter 358 Don't Tell Me You Remarried Joshua

"Hello? Who is it?"

The phone was connected, but the person on the other side did not speak for a long time. She could only hear the faint sound of breathing.

Anaya frowned and suddenly realized something. She tentatively said, "Jared?"

The phone was instantly hung up.

When she called again, she found that she had been blacklisted.

Anaya put the phone back on the table and stared at the phone with a locked screen.


He said he wanted to break up with her. Why did he call her now?

He refused a neat breakup and insisted on tricking her.

She complained about Hearst's actions but the gloom on her face dissipated a lot.

Hearst still could not let her go.

Then she could not let him run away.

The Cloud Villa.

When Giana knocked on the door and entered the bedroom, Hearst happened to end the call and placed the phone on the bedside table beside him.

She took the medicine and glanced at the phone on the nightstand. "Mr. Helms, were you calling Ms. Dutt?"

Hearst sat on the bed and looked up. His black eyes were cold and indifferent, mixed with a little displeasure.

Giana reacted and hurriedly said, "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked too much."

Hearst's face was a little pale and his voice was a little soft, but his dominance did not decrease as usual. "Put it on the table," he said.

no way to cure his illness at the moment, so he could only rely on

at Hearst. She gathered her courage and handed the medicine to Hearst. "Mr. Helms, I

declined. "Samuel will come in and

down the glass, "Then I will be excused. Mr. Helms, please

She turned and left.

"Dr. Dudley, just

what he meant. She had

all about her

been busy studying and working since she graduated from medical school. She never fell in love, and she was proud. Her sense of shame and self-esteem were stronger than

how she was rejected before she

her head and answered, then


out of the room, he wanted to

too much about why a mature and steady doctor was so reckless today. He

to the Maltz's home with Joshua. It seems that she

the Internet, but

looked at Hearst's

in one hand, holding the medicine in the

help but say, "Hearst, is this how


would suffer for a few days no

result, Hearst was now so calm, as if it had nothing

anymore." Hearst's hand that was holding the pill paused

wife." When he said this, the medicinal seemed to be even more

empty glass. All

person. If he didn't get a proper explanation, he would not be able to feel

understood Hearst's hidden thoughts at this

was pushed out by him personally. No one would feel

Anaya more than

with someone else, Hearst would

a bone-piercing

to chase her back, but when he thought of Hearst's physical condition, the words on his tongue

left the room, leaving Hearst alone in the large room, who was looking at the dark sky outside the

he still didn't know about the gossip

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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