Chapter 51 Providing For Aurelia

Curtis was actively submitting resumes everywhere, frantically searching for a job when he saw Melanie’s message on WhatsApp.

He immediately replied: It’s impossible. She’s not the type to cheat. She would never cheat on me.

He had been with Aurelia for over seven years, from high school until then. He had never imagined that Aurelia would betray him.

For reasons unknown, ever since he saw Aurelia the day before, his heart had been in a state of constant unease, an indescribable kind of unease that words could not express.

It felt as though he was truly about to lose Aurelia,

Upon seeing Curtis‘ confidence in himself, Melanie was so irritated that she called him and said, “Today, my father and I visited Quigley Group, and right at the entrance, we saw her delivering soup to Mr. Zeller. Moreover, Mr. Zeller even slandered my father and me in front of Mr. Quigley for her sake. Curtis, she has betrayed you long agori really underestimated her before, thinking she wouldn’t do something so rebellious.”

At that moment, Melanie thought Gordon was the best Aurelia could do.

“Mr. Zeller? Isn’t he the special assistant of Quigley Group’s Mr. Quigley?” Curtis‘ face suddenly turned rigid.

“Yes, that’s him. Although he can’t compare to Mr. Quigley, he’s still quite handsome and capable. Curtis, you need to think of a solution. Even my dad is now urging Aurelia to be with Mr. Zeller. Even if she becomes Mr. Zeller’s lover, my dad would probably agree.” Melanie became more and more frustrated as she spoke. Dad’s attitude has changed significantly from before.

Suddenly, Curtis felt as if a piece of his heart was missing. “No. She’s just angry with me. Do you know where she works? Could she have been acting on someone else’s behalf? She would never become someone else’s lover.”

During the seven years that Aurelia spent with him, they had never had sex, all because they were waiting for their wedding day.

At times, he felt she was too conservative, yet at other times, he thought her conservatism was a good thing. Hence, he thought she would never become someone’s lover.

“Why are you so delusional? You should really think about it.” Melanie impatiently hung up the phone.

Previously, she thought that Curtis was Aurelia’s boyfriend. The fact that she could snatch him away indicated that she was better than Aurelia.

She thought back to Matthew’s recent indifference toward her, which left her feeling incredibly annoyed. She was certain it was all because Aurelia had been influencing Gordon.

Curtis finally became afraid and began to call and send messages to Aurelia frantically.

But without exception, there was no response.

He was filled with anxiety.

Reborn for Revenge

Chapter 51 Providing For Aurelia.

Curtis was actively submitting resumes everywhere, frantically searching for a job when he saw Melanie’s message on WhatsApp.

He immediately replied: It’s impossible. She’s not the type to cheat. She would never cheat on me.

He had been with Aurelia for over seven years, from high school until then. He had never imagined that Aurelia would betray him.

his heart had been in a state of constant unease, an

was truly about

at the entrance, we saw her delivering soup to Mr. Zeller. Moreover, Mr. Zeller even slandered my


Melanie thought Gordon was

the special assistant of Quigley

he can’t compare to Mr. Quigley, he’s still quite handsome and capable. Curtis, you need to think of a solution. Even my dad is now urging Aurelia to be with Mr. Zeller. Even if she becomes Mr. Zeller’s lover, my dad would probably agree.” Melanie became more and more frustrated as she spoke. Dad’s attitude

know where she works? Could she have been acting on someone else’s behalf? She would never become someone else’s

never had sex, all because they

thought her conservatism was a good thing. Hence, he thought she would never become someone’s

You should really think


back to Matthew’s recent indifference toward her, which left her feeling incredibly annoyed. She was certain it

began to call and send messages to Aurelia

exception, there

was filled

51 Providing

then called Nancy again, but she didn’t

45 Pearls

the end, he could only call his mother. “Mom, could you possibly call Aurelia’s adoptive mother? Could you ask about Aurelia’s situation? Melanie just told me that Aurelia seems to be a kept woman. The reason she broke up with me is probably

leading to her breakup with Curtis,

and at home that day, busily cleaning. She furrowed her brows when she

what’s up?”

snorted. “Did you know that Auri is a kept woman? That’s why she broke up

be the one to dump Aurelia instead of the other way. around. How dare she

always eager to please him. At that moment, however, things were

well what kind of child Auri is, and you’re equally aware of what kind of person your son is. It was your son who wronged Auri first. Considering how Auri has treated you these past

any conscience at all,

to be nice to me. She

her, my son could have found someone better, given his circumstances. Phyllis, you’ve always relied on your looks and never acted decently. Look at Aurelia, she’s just like you, learning to be just as

and your son will regret this! The way you’ve insulted and hurt Auri today, you’ll face retribution in the future!” Phyllis‘ hands were shaking

welled up with tears. She truly felt heartbroken for Aurelia. duri had been a good lover and had been taking the initiative. Yet, they took advantage of Auri’s kindness. These people have lost all their conscience! I know exactly what kind of

calling Aurelia, but then she put it down again,

Gina made was merely intended

known earlier that Gina and Curtis were not as they appeared, she would’ve

Aurelia said that Curtis was a very good person who was worthy

end, Aurelia had given her heart to the

he looked at the painting in front of him, skillfully restored

was done

Providing For

it was the best restored painting

diligently restoring the next painting,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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