Chapter 142 I Have A Better Choice


Three dazzling beauties stood before him, their radiant allure undeniable and captivating. Surely, any man, irrespective of his disposition, might find such charm difficult to resist..

Yet, Matthew appeared unimpressed. Observing him, Aurelia suddenly recognized that his tastes were exacting. She found herself wondering what kind of woman could truly capture his interest.

As Matthew’s gaze softened considerably, he turned toward Aurelia and questioned, “Do you really believe I would be interested in anyone arranged by you, when I clearly have a far better choice at my disposal?”

At that moment, it dawned on several onlookers that Matthew was not alone in the private room.

Standing there, the woman’s gaze was clear and sharp, tinged with a discernible curiosity as she surveyed. the quartet.

It was well–known that beautiful women take pride in their appearance and often find themselves silently comparing their charms to those of others.

Upon noticing Aurelia, the expressions of the three sisters immediately turned sour,

Their mission for the day had been clear–they intended to secure a place in Matthew’s affections, and potentially his bed. Why then were there other women here? Their father had assured them that all arrangements were in place–he had even instructed them to dress their best. A cello and a harp were strategically placed just outside the door, their musical talents on standby, all set for the evening’s seduction.

But now, they faced an unexpected rival; a woman present in the room was even more striking than they


Catching the sisters‘ glances, Aurelia offered a subtle, knowing smile.

The three sisters, in contrast, could not bring themselves to smile.

They sensed Matthew’s disinterest. Just moments before, they had reflected on how their families had raised them to be women of poise and grace. How had they come to a point where Matthew scarcely spared them a glance?

Clearly, it was all because of the woman before them.

Victor was visibly shocked, likely not anticipating another woman’s presence.

I–I had everything all planned out….

This… This…”

his assistant, Gordon. Over the years, many women had vied for

suddenly appear out of nowhere? This woman is evidently more beautiful than

in competitions. Would you allow me to perform a piece for you and this lady?” proposed Aniela,


I Have A Better



always appreciated her for her decorum and her ability to charm. She was also known for defusing

slightly taken aback

spark ignited within Matthew. From between his thin lips, tinged with a hint of sterness, he


quick thinking may have just saved them from

this single night. He had to ensure his daughter captivated Matthew. If Matthew

to visit the restroom, but the unfolding drama had

began to play the harp, the enchanting melodies filled the air, enhancing the dining experience. Aurelia found

the musical performance, a sudden wave of dizziness washed over her. It wasn’t the sort of lethargy

who sat across from her, seemed excessively handsome

was fixed on Aurelia. It was as if a fire had been lit in their

the side, his back drenched in sweat from the intense anxiety he

is beginning to

a nuisance. Moreover, Matthew’s attention was undeniably fixated on her, barely acknowledging his daughter despite

worried she might attract too much attention. His plan had been to marry her off to someone

her always said she


university days, she was the star of every cultural event and had even been voted the campus belle. After entering the entertainment industry, she became widely adored, a blossoming flower loved by all. Yet now, she felt reduced to a mere background character in the presence of

spared her a single

eyes brimmed with a

She needed to splash some water on her




The vivid memory of being drugged by Melanie and Curtis before her reincarnation was

known to cloud one’s desires and rationality. While the sensations were not as intense as before her reincarnation,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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