Chapter 146 I Cannot Control My Own Heart


After Melanie ended her phone call, she quickly accessed WhatsApp, eagerly awaiting a video call that was about to come through.

Once connected, Melanie’s expression turned to one of stark disbelief and worry as she watched the footage.

It showed a private moment between her and Aaron, where they shared an embrace and a kiss inside a car. This incident had occurred right after Aaron had found out about her visit to a bar. In an attempt to secure Aaron’s silence and keep this incident from reaching her family, Melanie felt compelled to use seduction as a strategy.

Melanie’s principles were not particularly stringent when it came to matters of the heart. She was fully prepared to sleep with Aaron if he expressed the desire to do so.

Despite her progressive views, Melanie was aware that her family might not share her open–mindedness. It was crucial that this video remained hidden from the other Leedon family members.

The thought that Curtis would stoop to such low levels as to spy on her was appalling to her.

With a sense of inevitability, she steeled herself and forwarded the compromising video to Aaron. Her message was desperate and urgent, reflecting her dire situation. “Aaron, that night in the car, someone captured our actions on video. They’re threatening me with it, demanding a million. I don’t have that much on me. I’m still short of five hundred thousand. Could you possibly lend me that amount? I can’t let our family find out about my feelings for you. It would weigh heavily on my conscience, and it would also implicate you.”

Aaron was visibly taken aback by Melanie’s message. The shock of being filmed without their knowledge and the subsequent blackmail were completely unexpected.

Aaron knew how deeply Melanie cared for him, and the potential fallout from their family discovering the video worried him greatly. His thoughts were conflicted about how to navigate their complicated feelings. yet he was determined not to disappoint Melanie, who he cared for deeply, despite the familial ties that made their situation so precarious,

He immediately responded to Melanie’s plea. “Mel, where are you now?”

Melanie, sounding both fearful and vulnerable, replied, “I’m outside right now, and I’m really scared. I don’t know what to do. The woman in that video is me, but I never wanted things to be this way. Aaron, I can’t control my own heart. I really like you.”

Melanie’s sobs tugged at his heartstrings. Never before had a woman loved him with such humility.

Hearing her distress, Aaron quickly reassured her, “I’m transferring a million to you now. You should forward this million to that person and have him delete the video. Don’t worry, Mel, I’ll protect you.”

her tears, expressed her gratitude, “Aaron, thank you. I know, no matter how ignoble my feelings are, no matter how disgraceful my affection for you is,

is not disgraceful. It’s just that I have a lot of things to figure out right now, and I can’t reciprocate your feelings.



Cannot Control My Own Heart

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out about my feelings for you. They wouldn’t approve; they’d think we’re messing around,” Melanie continued, her voice choked with

Aaron promised her.

amount represented nearly all his remaining funds, as he lived quite lavishly and was usually dependent on regular support from

cease his intrusive behavior. “Stop following me and trying to film me,” she said assertively. “This is the second time. I’ve paid you, and it will be the last. If there’s a

I hate this man!

felt smug about the transaction. In his view, Melanie’s threats were utterly inconsequential, as insignificant

as he spoke to Melanie, his tone dismissive, “I shot this video purely by chance, I had no idea you’d actually put yourself in the frame for me. Don’t worry, as

mission to expose their clandestine encounters, envisioning it as a scandalous exposé. His ultimate aim was to financially exploit Aaron to the fullest. Regarding Melanie, he viewed her with disdain, considering her a woman of loose morals, possibly with a history of many lovers. Capturing their indiscretions would serve his interests well,

Jacaster. Now, he realized he could make a substantial income by selling controversial videos.

to end the conversation, took a deep breath and sternly said, “Stop bothering me going forward. Whatever transpired between us was born out of mutual affection; we both experienced our moments of happiness. There’s no need for you to keep pestering me. Why don’t you go bother

Aurelia, Melanie. Before you hang up, tell me, how many

clenched her teeth and snapped back, “Who I’ve been with is none

scoffed dismissively at her response, “You’re just a good–for–nothing.

quiet, with hardly anyone exiting. Out of sheer boredom and perhaps malice, Curtis decided to upload Melanie’s video to an adult website. Although it only earned him a few tens of thousands, he rationalized that it was still preferable to

clock had ticked well past four o’clock, and people began to


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miss anyone exiting. He harbored doubts about the excuse given

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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