Chapter 148 They Overlooked Her In The Past


Matthew, previously deep in a restful sleep, was now sharply awakened. His face, normally relaxed in slumber, was now marked by a cold, stern expression.

Despite this, he maintained a firm hold on Aurelia, embracing her tightly in an effort to offer comfort. It was clear she was experiencing deep distress, seemingly caught in the throes of a terrifying nightmare.

Within the safety of his arms, however, Aurelia’s agitated emotions began to subside gradually, as though she was pulling herself back from the edge of a harrowing dream scene.

“I hate all of you,” Aurelia declared with a newfound steadiness in her voice once she had regained her


Matthew listened intently to her words, a note of solemnity in his expression as he heard her repeat, “I hate you all.”

He wondered if she was referring to Curtis and Melanie. If indeed she was, Matthew thought it trivial to deal with them–mere nuisances he could dismiss with a flick of his fingers.

However, he understood that Aurelia preferred to handle matters on her own terms. Opting for discretion, he decided it best to feign ignorance for the moment.

Eventually, Matthew, who had awakened and found himself unable to return to sleep, gradually drifted back into slumber, soothed by the steady rhythm of Aurelia’s breathing.

In the subsequent days, life became markedly more difficult for Aaron after he had transferred the last of his funds from his card.

Having been accustomed to dining at Michelin–starred establishments, he now found himself relegated to quick, unremarkable meals at the office cafeteria.

His colleagues, who had once been overly flattering, seemed to have caught wind of his family’s financial woes and had begun to subtly probe him for information.

Particularly noticeable was the shift in office dynamics following the return of Xavier from a business trip. Those who once sought Aaron’s favor were now gravitating toward Xavier, relegating Aaron to a peripheral status within the company.

During his lunch break, concerned and desperate. Aaron made a call to Benjamin. “For the past two months, you haven’t transferred any money into my account. I’ve nearly spent all I have. Could you please deposit some more? Not much, just a million would suffice.”

making ends meet; there’s hardly any money left in the accounts. Dad and I are at the office every day, trying to figure out a way to

question caused Aaron’s face to pale. “I earn only thirty thousand a month, and it barely covers my day–to–day

full extent, Aaron felt a sudden anxiety grip him. Have things deteriorated to the point where basic living expenses are

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Overlooked Her

by worry and exhaustion, reflected on the past



years, Dad and I have been borrowing heavily from banks to expand our company. There’s a real

shown exceptional business. acumen since your school days, spotting opportunities that many others

of losing everything sent him into

chance the company might go under. But rest assured, Dad and I will do our utmost to

conversation, leaving Aaron lost in his own troubled

it be… we’re

father and Benjamin virtually living at the office, and Spencer busy with

invited him to dinner with a lack of

her appetite; the food at home had been uninspiring lately, lacking

their eyes met, Melanie quickly looked away, her action tinged with

how distant others at the company had become.

light chuckle, he joined them at the table. During the meal, Aaron and

with her own thoughts and failed to notice


the meal was nearly over that she spoke up, her voice carrying a touch of revelation, “I heard from a friend today that Aurelia didn’t get into Old Mr. Gardner’s team through any connections. You see, Old Mr. Gardner is the

they had underestimated Aurelia’s capabilities and not truly recognized how

“but… some things aren’t as simple as we think. Also, it seems that Aurelia’s new boyfriend


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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