Chapter 192 A Clean Break


Nancy noticed that Aurelia had suddenly stopped.

She followed Aurelia’s gaze.

When she saw Justin, her expression shifted as she was caught off guard.

It wasn’t that he didn’t have the time…

It was just that all of his time had been given to someone else.

Upon seeing Nancy and Aurelia, Justin also had a moment of surprise.


Upon hearing her name, Nancy felt a pang of sorrow struck her heart.

Hearing the word “Nancy” seemed to smooth over the rough journey her heart had been through during this period.

Matthew was looking at Aurelia, and she was also looking at him too.

Aurelia knew that Justin and Matthew were friends, but she hadn’t expected to run into them at a restaurant by such a chance.

And Jeremy had also seen her by chance.

“We won’t bother you and your friend. We have other matters to attend to,” Nancy said, unsure of what else to say to Justin.

Before, it seemed like she had countless questions to ask when he was not around. But now, she didn’t know what to ask after seeing him in person.

“What’s going on here?”

Jeremy was taken aback.

Clearly, Matthew was somewhat taken aback to find out that Aurelia and Nancy knew each other.

Aurelia gave a nod towards Matthew, before she was led away by Nancy with her hand firmly held. in hers..

After the two had left, Jeremy voiced his confusion, “Justin, is your wife friends with Matthew’s wife?”

“Is Aurelia your wife?” Jeremy asked in astonishment as he turned to Matthew.

Matthew hummed in response, his fingers drumming absently on the table. He was clearly lost in



Chapter 192 A Clean Break


the world was vast, yet the circle was small. In an extreme twist

upset with you, avoiding you carlier. Could she have

his brows. “She’s

with being sensitive,” Jeremy stated outright.

ago, Aurelia and I overheard your conversation with Gwendolyn in the woods at the hot

completely changed.


heard your voices,” Matthew said,

As for me and Gwendolyn, I have a clean, break with her from now onward.” Justin understood that the

Nancy finding out about his affair

a moment ago….

his lips tightly.

If it was not the atmosphere that prevented him, he wished he could ask Justin, how comfortable was it really doing the deed in the woods?

he really partake in such

once, and it was clear that she was not someone

matter wasn’t going to be resolved so easily.

Matthew a glance.

Matthew didn’t respond, appearing to

everyone, except him, was weighed

Atharian restaurant and made their way into

felt her mind go completely

192 A Clean

she saw Justin earlier.

him that she didn’t

how did they suddenly feel like strangers just



passed her a bottle

taking it, Nancy drank several mouthfuls before her emotions finally

were still somewhat

bit worried upon seeing Nancy’s

It’s a

an inexplicable

“I’m here, Nancy.”

I didn’t mean to be so melodramatic, but

she truly

understand.” Aurelia gently patted Nancy’s

call came through on Nancy’s

picked up her phone, and was taken aback by the

is calling

the car and wait for you. You guys have a

a deep breath, calming her previously tumultuous emotions. She then

“Do you

plans with Aurelia later? If not, I can leave the restaurant now and we can head home. I am sorry that I’ve been so busy recently that I overlooked your feelings. Let’s have a good talk when we get home.” Justin’s familiar gentle voice came through the

turned even redder listening to the familiar voice.

feeling somewhat embarrassed as she said to Aurelia, “I’m sorry, Auri. I won’t

192 A Clean Break

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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