Chapter 178

My heart skipped a beat, and I guiltily averted my gaze.

Was he implying that he never lied, but I was the chronic deceiver?

What had I lied to him about…

As I stepped out of the dilapidated mental institution, a swarm of reporters and onlookers

blocked the entrance.

They were all hounding Dexter, pressing him with questions about why, as the CEO of the Fitzgerald Group, he would get involved in a kidnapping, an act so blatantly illegal and disorderly.

Dexter climbed into the car with a dark expression. “No comment.”

The reporters were obviously here for him. If this got out, the Fitzgerald Group’s reputation would be in tatters.

Dexter glanced at me coldly, silent, as the police led him away.

“The Fitzgerald Group’s CEO involved in a kidnapping!”

“Why would someone in his position kidnap anyone?” the reporters murmured among themselves, and the bystanders speculated that Dexter had lost his mind.

the Fitzgerald Group’s stock would plummet by the next


“Did you do

really wasn’t much of a liar. So, he chose not to explain

Fitzgerald family’s in for a spectacle,” Robin sighed, casting a glance my way before getting into the car. “If they pin the kidnapping on him and the evidence is clear, the

taken aback. If the Fitzgeralds believed Dexter was behind it, Hailey

seek me out.

could be heartless with Dexter, but I wasn’t sure I could do the same with Hailey.

Eric’s car, I hesitated, then decided to speak up. “Are you trying to destroy

clout did Colin

head. “I

of Dexter, his eyes brimmed

Chapter 178

travels fast, and it wasn’t long before the Fitzgerald family

to visit me at the Langleys‘

that after my death, Hailey had been grief–stricken and fallen ill, recuperating in Harbor City. She had returned because

not make the kidnapping charge stick, but Dexter’s false imprisonment of me was still a crime.

have me sign a statement of forgiveness to salvage Dexter’s reputation and mitigate

Fitzgerald is here,” the housekeeper announced, ushering Hailey into


fingers clenched instinctively, yet I remained composed, seated in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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