Chapter 192

Stella’s eyes lowered, shimmering with tears on the brink of falling. “If she really is Phoebe, do you think she’ll be mad at me for not recognizing her at first?”

Robin sighed heavily, his gaze shifting back to Dexter’s intense stare. “You two are off your rockers, I swear.”

Stella’s gaze dropped to her tightly clasped hands. “Is it possible that all the science we know can’t explain some things…”

Robin’s phone buzzed, and he stepped aside to take the call.

“I’ll give you a ride.” Unable to hail a cab on the curb, Dexter came over, his voice hoarse with

the offer.

I ignored Dexter. All I wanted was to get back to the Langley estate to see Colin to apologize…

It felt like I had truly forgotten him.

But I was trying so hard to remember, to recall every memory between us.

“Phoebe…” Dexter caught my wrist as I started to run. “Snap out of it!”

“Get off me!” I jerked my arm free from Dexter’s grasp, my eyes filled with loathing and hatred.

Dexter stood frozen, watching me for a long moment.

finally managed to flag down a taxi, and just before stepping in,

isn’t it?” Dexter hurried forward, tapping on

shot the driver an impassive

taxi for a few steps before standing

my name. “Come

be resurrected? Have you lost your mind? Let me tell you, Phoebe’s dead; you killed her! And your child, too.” Stella kept provoking him.

tried?!” Dexter shouted back at Stella,

the rear–view mirror until their voices faded

than disdain. Dexter’s belated remorse meant nothing to me.

Langley estate.

the car frantically, searching


Chapter 197

Caleb not returned?” I asked Wendy, gripping

head. “Mr. Caleb won’t be

it because I didn’t eat the cupcake today that

need to see him,” I called Eric; he was sure to know.

a moment before speaking. “Madam, perhaps you should rest early

to see him!” My

to see him…

kept telling me to go to him, that he had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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