Chapter 163 Found Him

Kate observed Lucas’s quiet stance, fists clenched. Her gaze turned icy as she questioned, “Lucas, what’s behind all this?”

Lucas met her stare unwaveringly. “Madam, I cannot reveal that.”

A glint of frustration sparked in Kate’s eyes. “And why not?”

What had driven Eric, who had moments ago been watching her accept an award at Starlight Tower, to suddenly abandon everything and charge headlong into this abandoned factory?

Kate pondered this question, finding no answers, yei Lucas seemed to hold the key. His refusal to speak only deepened the mystery,

Faced with Lucas’s unyielding silence, Kate took a deep breath.


She realised that no matter how hard she pressed, the answers she sought were not forthcoming from Lucas. Her only recourse now was to persist in her quest to find Eric.

First, we must rescue Eric.

Alive or… dead, if worse comes to worst.

Kate dismissed the grim possibility. In her past existence, Eric had emerged battered from similar trials. Surely, this present ordeal would yield a similar outcome!

resolute steps, Kate pivoted and resumed her journey

yet alive

hands from the search, Kate persisted in meticulously scouring through the

heavy heart, aware that Kate’s stubborn resolve rendered

well into the night, and Kate’s spirits flagged as time wore

They had all been

Eric remained trapped beneath

She anguished over Eric’s potential.

under debris for days in her

sustained him?


1 Coins-



1 Pearts.

Chapter 163 Found Himm


the debris was painstakingly cleared, revealing the concealed underground chamber, the resolve of the

seeped through the night air, they persisted

late hours when hope seemed fragile, a

“We’ve found him!”

“We’ve located Mr. Eric!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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