Chapter 236 Let Me Do It

With the proceedings concluded and the evidence duly gathered, Kate turned her gaze to find Eric, who stood some distance away, engaged in a conversation of evident gravity.

His countenance bore the cold sternness of one burdened by weighty matters. Though his voice was hushed and distant, the tension was unmistakable.

Sensing her scrutiny, Eric glanced her way, promptly concluding his call with a few terse words before striding towards her.

“Kate, how did it fare?” His eyes, shadowed with concern, met hers. “Do you require my assistance?”

Drawing a deep breath, Kate shook her head with resolute firmness. “Ric, this is something I need to resolve on my own.”

From the very inception of HN Studio, Kate had anticipated the inevitable trials that would accompany its rise. She had steeled herself to confront these challenges, recognising that this was but the dawn of her journey.

Her determination to navigate these trials unaided was unwavering, and she would not burden Eric with her struggles.

The influence of the Davison Group would, she knew act as a formidable deterrent to those who might seek to undermine her. Their power would temper the discontent of rivals, curbing any impulsive actions against her nascent enterprise.

Eric regarded her with a penetrating gaze, the silence between them laden with unspoken understanding.

voice gentle

tousling her hair. “Remember, no matter the hour or the trial, I am

Kate embraced him, her voice muffled as she nestled against his chest. “Ric, thank

crumbled, and she herself would have remained ensnared by the deceptions of Simon and Ruth, doomed to a tragic fate. Eric’s arrival in her life had

by her ignorance that had led to Eric’s downfall, a mistake she vowed

lightly, affection evident in his gaze. “Why speak of

from prying cars. *Kate, I must soon depart for Bastilla to attend to pressing

heart skinned a

lone will von

Balance 1404


his breath’a whisper of resolve. “I shall see to these matters with all possible haste and return to you

thoughts interrupted by a sudden realisation. If her memory

tightened instinctively upon his sleeve, her voice quavering, “Ric, must it be

her countenance, touched her cheek with a tender hand, concern shadowing his features.

drew a deep breath, summoning her courage. “I hold no fondness for Bastilla.

others who might undertake this task? Can they not

whisper imbued with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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