Chapter 241 Why Are You Running

The conclusion unfolded precisely as Kate had foreseen.

Upon hearing the technician’s revelation, a surge of excitement propelled the group to their feet, their voices directed urgently towards Mr. Forester, the nearby police officer. “Mr. Forester! Did you hear that? These garments are flawed, the chemical compositions exceed safe limits! Wearing them has caused us rashes!?

“I reckon this is no longer a jest? Kate, you owe us an explanation!”

“Yeah! Refund us and compensate, or we’ll expose you!”

Their outcry brimmed with indignation, their accusatory glares fixed firmly upon Kate.

“What proof do you have that these clothes came from us?” Kate’s countenance remained composed as she surveyed the tumult.

“Are you so parsimonious, you refuse to part with your coin even if to improve your act by a fraction?”

“Why do you mock us? Our rashes are real, a consequence of wearing your clothes!”

They persisted obstinately, casting themselves as victims and persisting in implicating HN Studio.

a garment, gently shaking it before speaking deliberately. “While this garment’s design and cut mirror ours, the replication

fleeting hush descended

HN Studio

like so.” The assistant smirked, unfurling the garment to display the logo shimmering in the sun–an unmistakable mark

an icy edge. “Behold, this one is counterfeit,

of silence ensued, broken swiftly by a retort from one of the group, “Your deceive! I purchased these from your website, they are yours. Now that issues arise, you seek to

accountability! Clearly, these garments are from HN Studio, yet she claims them false. Perhaps

Forester, here is a comprehensive dossier. These are all counterfeits, confirmed by

fabrics differ from ours.”

dossier of Test reports “Rehold the assessment of our garment on


Why Are You


then directed an icy gaze upon the assembly. “Have you been instigated by another to wilfully foment discord? If

tide of events turning against them, an individual promptly attempted flight, only to

tranquil yet pregnant with unspoken coercion. “Were you not resolute a moment

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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