Chapter 274 Are You Disappointed That I’m Not Jensen? 

“No, I really did this. I had the photos and videos 

taken, gave the flash drive with the photos and videos to Sharon, and asked her to let the screening room staff play on the digital screen. Sharon did not know what was on the flash drive. She just did what I told her to do. It was really not Sharon’s, but my fault.” Carolyn was indignant and remorseful, not looking like she was faking. 

Sharon hurriedly echoed. “Mom, why did you do this? I really thought the flash drive contained some kind of entertainment programs, not expecting it to be such a shameful thing. Mom, tell me, why did you do this?” 

“Why? It was because that woman framed me for sleeping around.” Carolyn and Sharon echoed each other, their acting seamless, with Carolyn pointing at Kisa indignantly. “She set me up that day at the farm, humiliating me in front of everyone, causing your father to misunderstand me. Do you think I should take this lying down?” Carolyn presented herself as a victim in a few words. 

ask her questions. “Are you


you up that

her so well, yet she took revenge on me. What is this I have done?

For the sake of your ‘care’ for me previously, I will overlook what you have said today, and hope you will be wiser next time. As for my father; he really loves you. Since Sharon has grown up, I hope you will cherish this marriage and my father’s love for you. Don’t

yelled with bloodshot eyes. ” You set

won’t say anything more.” With that, she covered the lapel of her chest and smiled awkwardly at the crowd. “I

Case’s fault for being so vicious, using such

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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