Chapter 39

Chapter 0039

Alaric's POV

...Cara was pregnant?!

With twins?!

Lilia's face is expressionless now, but I will never forget that little smile. The look of satisfaction on her face when she heard it was Cara who had been wounded in the accident. "LILIA!" Grey growls in my head. "She did this!! She is responsible!!"


She has hated Cara ever since the two first met. Lilia saw Cara as a rival, as an enemy.

How many nights did Lilia tell me to say how much I preferred her over Carà? Begging me to stroke her pathetic ego?

"I'm the best you've had, right?" Lilia had asked me with her big doe eyes one night after we'd had sex. "Better than everyone else? Better than her?"

She hadn't said Cara's name, but we both knew who Lilia had meant.

I assured Lilia


Which was a lie.

But the


I she was of course the best sex I'd been had.

look of triumphant relief on her face was enough to show me I'd answered the question correctly.

I thought that would be the end of it, but Lilia asked me to compare her to Cara constantly. Big things, little things, it didn't matter. Lilia always needed reassurance that she had won this imaginary competition between her and Cara. figured it was normal she-wolf insecurity. I thought Lilia was just being territorial because she cared for me so much. Because she loved me.

Now I see how wrong I was.

Lilia didn't just t want to O win. She wanted Cara to lose.


How many wolves would have to die before Lilia would be satisfied?

At least two. Cara's babies...

I growl out loud and step closer to Lilia. She hunches her shoulders, making herself

look like less

if that will save

Alaric, no!"



Chapter 0039

me and his

to step between an Alpha King and his intended target. I'm sure Eamon wants to protect his little sister; I'd probably do

would cause an inevitable war between Pack DarkWood and Pack BloodyMoon. There would be more bloodshed, more destruction. I've worked so hard to make DarkWood

so hard to make sure each member of the pack can not just survive,


my tracks, giving him

gawking at the scene, eyes bulging out of their heads

my gaze then turns

SLAP as Eamon's hand crosses

pink handprint immediately starting to

gasps. Hell, I'm sure I gasp,

What the hell?!

like time has stopped from the sheer shock

buzzing fills the silence, breaking the spell of the shock. I don't care who's calling, but the distraction is enough to remind me... Cara. She's

to go

Lilia, who is still cradling her cheek. I turn to look at my butler, "Grab the

Eamon says, facing me. "There is something you need to hear first." He looks at all the pack members still gathered

him speak. Knowing Eamon, he wouldn't try


1 Chapter 0039

mood like this unless it was something

at me then turns to speak


s not the princess of Pack

again, the crowd

blood feels ice

My! voice is razor sharp, and my eyes narrow

constructed lie. She is a bastard, an illegitimate child borne out of an affair between my father and our childhood nanny." Eamon's face i is serious, and I believe his words immediately. It takes a hell of a lot of guts to air your family's dirty laundry in public. I can't

fills her face, like her

I suppose

One of the DarkWood elders says in the

even a princess of

lie, too?"

learned of this myself a few days

"Then who?"

is the

drooling waiting for the answer to the questions. Waiting for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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