Chapter 501 No Way!

“Give Jonathan some trouble.” Jordy hardened his voice.
He didn’t want to see that man!
Harold paused to respond.

Carlos smiled but said nothing.

Then they left one after the other.

Soon, there were only Jordy and Gloria left in the room.

Usually, Gloria was snippy and kept her distance from Jordy when he was around.

But now, Gloria, who was in a coma, seemed much tenderer than when she was awake.

Fortunately, her fair face was unhurt.

Jordy rested his hand on her cheek.

Her skin was so delicate that his long bony fingers touched it for a little longer.

was But the next moment, having realized what he was doing, Jordy changed color and immediately removed his hand from her face.

furrowed, and he gazed

Gloria was his…


did not say a


No one understood him.

He was very upset.

The White family’s house.

was pacing up and down the

room, she immediately walked up to her and asked, “How is it going?” Martha’s face blanched as she said in a low voice,

Something isn’t right.

“What’s going on?” Why the long face? Martha frowned and said through her gritted teeth, “She’s tough to kill!” “What does

at her mother’s face and

would be a fool to not know that the plan had

Martha gritted her teeth.

abyss but only broke a rib.” Angela’s

an abyss and only break a rib? Is Mom kidding? Martha gritted her

other people at the

Someone called the police.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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