Chapter 280 Deirdre Has Lost Her Mind for Real!

Brendan covered his abdomen weakly. He could not feel the pain in his injury. anymore, perhaps due to the pain in his heart, which overpowered everything else. On the contrary, he cracked a smile and said, “Mother, bail her out…”

He said in a shaky voice, “I owe it to her because I was the cause of her mother’s death. Aside from the fact that she didn’t manage to stab me to death, I’d deserve it even if I were to die for real.”

“You…” Madam Brighthall was rendered speechless. She staggered, taking a few steps due to her intense headache. “What on earth has happened between you two?”

Brendan felt the warm, moist sensation in his hands. Before he could speak, a doctor came rushing into the room.

The sutures of his wound were ripped. The wound would need to be closed up again, and he would need another surgery to stop the bleeding. When he came out of the operating theater, Brendan was still trying to force himself to stay conscious.

“Sam, go to the police station to check on Deirdre and make sure that nothing bad. happens to her.” He gave the order with pale lips. Soon, he looked at Madam Brighthall and exhaled with great difficulty. “Mother, I’m begging you to please help me explain to the police that this injury is unrelated to Deirdre.”

Brendan would force himself out of bed again if she were to disagree, as he always knew just how to get

“Sure, I’ll go.”

was relieved, yet Madam Brighthall said, “However, you must explain everything to me clearly in the near future. If that woman hurt you intentionally without a proper reason, I will not tolerate

“Alright.” Brendan agreed.

about to leave when a group of police officers. opened the door and entered the room. They confronted Charlene with a stack of evidence.

Charlene. She was still in shock from the earlier incident, so she struggled with all her might when she was caught in this unexpected situation.” What are you doing!

Brighthall stepped forward to shield Charlene.

She wouldn’t commit a crime, so this must

related to her, right?” the police officer said coldly. “Charlene McKinney, you’ve been served with evidence. Deirdre revealed at the police station that you are the culprit behind the hit–and–run

was extremely astonished as well.‘ Deirdre has lost her

Deirdre’s mother,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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