Chapter 505 He Treats Me Even Better

“Thank you.”

Hoyt felt bitter in his heart when she thanked him. “Don’t mention it, Miss McKinnon. Mr. Reed gave my family 72,000 dollars. Let alone buying medicine for him, it would be fine even if I were to give him my


Deirdre was unaware of the situation, so she was surprised when she learned about it. She said, “You deserve it.”

Hoyt smiled and left in a hurry.

Mrs. Cox boiled water while Deirdre got some cold water and placed a cold towel on Kyran’s forehead. She discovered that his entire body was icy cold, other than his burning face.

Deirdre felt deeply remorseful as she held his hand tightly.

“Get well, Kyran.”

Kyran’s body. She comforted Deirdre

nodded, yet she kept holding Kyran’s hand with

returned. He was sweating profusely when he helped to set up the IV drip for Kyran and instructed Mrs. Cox to prepare the liquid

incapable of

bitter. He spat it all out

“It’s possible that he can’t recover if he can’t keep

she stretched out her hand and said, “Give it to

herself to take a sip. It was extremely bitter, and she refrained from the urge to spit it out. She leaned toward Kyran and passed it to him

repeated the process over and over again. When she was halfway through, she was sweating profusely

soothe your tongue, Miss

it, smiled,

treat Mr. Reed very well. I have no choice but to say

making that remark, he recovered from his surprise and said,

gaze turned gentle, and she turned to the direction of the bed. “In

cause of

are together. When are you planning on getting married?

“It should be after going to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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