Chapter 507 You’re Hiding Something From Me

“Deirdre!” Meanwhile, Mrs. Cox emerged from the room. “Mr. Reed has awakened. He said he wants to see you.”

“He’s awake?” Deirdre was delighted. She decided to put everything else to the back of her head and pushed the door inside. “Kyran? You’re awake?”

As she stood at the side of the bed, Hoyt stood at the door. When Kyran saw him, he froze a bit and asked, “How long have I been sleeping?”

“14 hours? Or is it 15?” Deirdre heaved out a sigh of relief, “I don’t remember it anymore. In any case, you had a very high fever. Anyway, you need to thank Mr. Leigh. If it hadn’t been for him going to the market on his bike to get your medicine and IV drip, you might not have woken up so soon.”

“I’m sorry for making you worry about me.”

Even though he was sick, he blamed himself for making her worry about him.

Deirdre’s heart skipped a beat when the thought surfaced in her mind, and she shook her head. “It’s okay. Everything is fine as long as you wake up.”

disliked Hoyt, it was all thanks to

help, Mr. Leigh,” Kyran said through his

Miss McKinnon who rushed to my house despite the slippery road

body. Seeing that the IV drip was about to finish, Hoyt pulled the needle out and said,

to her feet and said, “Let me

she stood up, Kyran grabbed

far away, and I’ll

Hoyt had finished speaking,

She turned around and said in a

I’ll send some gifts to him after I recover. But I don’t want you to give the

I woke up just now? Were you talking to Hoyt outside?” asked Kyran. “Yeah.” Deirdre’s heart sank again upon recalling the conversation she had had with Hoyt. Even at this moment, Kyran was still holding his phone despite

any reason he

out that he was not mute, or did he just not want her to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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