Chapter 509 I Love You Unconditionally

“Yes.” Kyran got out of his bed. Even though he was still experiencing dizziness from time to time, he steadied himself and walked toward the living room.

While Mrs. Cox was heading to the kitchen, she said, “I just made chicken soup, but you need to bear with it as my cooking skills aren’t as good as Deirdre’s. I don’t have her magical hands that can turn even something like Brussels sprouts into the tastiest dish in the world.”

The light in Kyran’s eyes dimmed for a moment as he said, “Okay.”

“I heard she has been honing her cooking skills daily because of you. Is that true?”

Kyran was stunned, and Deirdre hastily turned around to look at Kyran when she heard what Mrs. Cox said. She couldn’t see Kyran’s expression right now, so she didn’t know if Kyran would care about her past or not.

After all, she had lived a long part of her life for another man.

“Mrs. Cox-”

has been trying to improve her cooking skills for me and making different dishes for me every day to make me happy. I… Although I’m very happy she’s willing to do that for me, I always feel ashamed.

smile appeared on Mrs. Cox’s face as she said, “Aw, that’s so considerate of you. No wonder Deirdre

out a few dry smiles and helped her to set the table. Even though she looked calm on the surface, her heart was

appreciated his kind gesture, she wondered what Kyran was

appeared very hostile toward Hoyt

as if she was eating sawdust throughout the whole meal. After cleaning all the dishes, Deirdre returned to the room with Kyran. He asked

war with herself inwardly, bit the bullet, and said,

do you want to tell me about?”

deep breath and said, “I once learned cooking

Kyran’s eyes dimmed

bit her lips. “Yes, Mrs. Cox asked me before when I was cooking last time, so I told her that I

telling me this?” Kyran said gently, “I can see that you don’t want to talk about this at all. You don’t have to tell me if you

“I need to tell you everything. Since you’re my boyfriend, I feel that I have an obligation to tell you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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