Norward City. In a modest ward of the affiliated hospital. “My daughter suffered a concussion from a fall, and your school is only willing to pay this much? What if she develops any long-term effects and can’t continue her studies? Her life would be ruined. Who will take responsibility for that?! I’m telling you, if you don’t pay at least fifteen thousand dollars today, we’ll meet at the police station. I’ll ensure everyone knows how your school handles these situations and that your school can’t continue to operate.” “Mrs. Jenkins, can you please be reasonable? Your daughter is not a young child who needs constant supervision from teachers. Besides, your daughter fell down the stairs because she is overweight. The responsibility lies entirely with her.

The school has done its best by paying half of the medical expenses. “Your daughter’s academic performance is poor. She is at the bottom of the class and lacks the motivation to improve. Moreover, she negatively impacts other students’ studies. Students have complained to me more than once. A few days ago, she even started dating and brought breakfast to a male student, seriously damaging the school’s atmosphere. That boy’s parents have come to me.” With her hands on her hips, Eleanor Dawson said shrewishly, “So, you’re saying that your school doesn’t want to pay, right?” The argument escalated. Suddenly, a cold voice interrupted, “Shut up, all of you!” Eleanor and her husband, the homeroom teacher, and the head teacher fell silent, looking at the overweight girl on the hospital bed. Blood Shadow sat up from the bed and pressed her aching temples. The frail bed creaked under her movement. The intense pain spread from the back of her head to her entire body, causing her to frown and adjust slowly. Suddenly, Blood Shadow sensed something. Her massaging motion suddenly stopped. The next moment, she widened her eyes. She didn’t die? She quickly scanned the ward. Her gaze fell on the four ordinary-looking people standing at the foot of her bed. “Who are you?” Blood Shadow’s eyes narrowed when she spoke. This was not her voice. She immediately touched her throat but noticed the thick arm she had raised. She furrowed her brow deeply. What’s going on? The four people were stunned in response to her question. Eleanor directly rushed at the teacher and made a fuss. She said, “Look at what my daughter has become. Your school only pays a small amount for medical expenses. You’re simply inhuman and heartless!” The homeroom teacher, a man in his forties wearing black glasses, was flustered. He replied, “Mrs. Jenkins, please calm down.” “Isabelle, I’m your dad. Don’t you recognise me?” “Isabelle, don’t scare me. Are you still not fully awake? Take a good look at who we are.” However, the girl just stared at her thick arm. At that moment, the TV reported, “A solitary island in Brookhaven exploded at 7.10 this morning … ” Blood Shadow looked at the TV.

was fat, her face was not too chubby, and her skin was fair and radiant. If she lost weight, she would look pretty good. “Isabelle.” After a while, the girl said that name in front of the mirror. This name seemed to have a connection to her. A soul rebirth? This was not difficult to accept, as she had already witnessed many strange things. After just standing for ten minutes, her body already felt strained. Her legs were weak, not only because of the impact on her head but also due to the lack of exercise, resulting in physical weakness. Blood Shadow wanted to know how this body managed to be both bulky and frail. What a pity. Her body, as strong as an iron wall, was blown to pieces. After years of intense training, it became food for the fish in the ocean

how she had taken over Isabelle’s body. She decided to tolerate this harsh and cheap mother. After leaving the hospital, Eleanor left her and gave her thirty cents for the bus fare. She handed her the keys and went to work. Relying on the original owner’s memory, Isabelle returned to her home. Before she entered the residential area, she ran into a handsome boy. That boy, who wore a blue and white school uniform, was full of youthful energy but a bit thin and silent. Although Eleanor was mean, she possessed a remarkable beauty that contributed to her proud and arrogant demeanour. The boy standing before her had inherited Eleanor’s genes. When that boy saw Isabelle, he stopped for a while. His gaze shifted to the bandage wrapped around her head. Isabelle also observed him closely. Perhaps the previous Isabelle had grown accustomed to being submissive and avoiding eye contact,

just drop dead?” When Isabelle opened her eyes, she saw Layla standing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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