Chapter 35 Heal or Break?

Isabelle brought Ethan to the school infirmary to tend to his wounds.

Blood was flowing from Ethan’s face and nose, his eye corner was swollen, a bruise was forming on his forehead, and he had multiple bruises on his body.

However, for Isabelle, who had undergone rigorous training since childhood, was accustomed to bullets, and was a renowned surgeon known as Dr. Seely, these injuries were not considered severe.

There was no need to go to the hospital for this.

pills and

Ethan sat quietly beside the bed, cradling a steaming cup. He had taken two anti–inflammatory p was lost in deep thought, occasionally daydreaming or stealing glances at Isabelle.

“Are you scared?” Isabelle asked.

Ethan looked up as Isabelle leaned against the door frame, arms crossed and posture relaxed.

He hesitated to answer her question.

“Did you find it terrifying when you saw me fighting?”

“No,” Ethan hurriedly replied.

Then what is it?”

He asked the one that mattered the most to him, “Isabelle, is this matter over? Our parents won’t find out, right?”

“Are you having second thoughts about letting the others go?” Isabelle asked.

Ethan wondered if he had a violent streak or was misunderstanding, but he knew he could trust Isabelle to protect him.

“No, they won’t bother us again, right? Our parents won’t find out.”

“I told you, even if you blew this place up today, I could handle it for you. I never bluff.”

Ethan paused momentarily to gather his thoughts before finally asking his sister, “Isabelle, do you happen to know our mayor?”

Isabelle replied, “Not exactly. Why do you ask?”

Ethan was curious and asked again, “Then how?”

“Well, the mayor is known for his selfless acts of

friend Sam had suggested this to her. After all, there was no point in explaining it to someone she was unlikely to encounter again.

have any other secrets up your sleeve, sis? How did you become such a skilled fighter? Why have you


1 Coin

375 +6

1 Pearls


Heal or

satisfied with this answer.

any other questions for me?”

and then asked, “Where are you planning to


City to collect

“Taragon City? That’s quite far away. What could you possibly

to stand up abruptly, Water spilled from his cup as he tensed up and asked, “What are you doing, Isabelle?”

was a jarring experience as if Isabelle had crossed a line that should never have been crossed.

he turned grave and quickly turned his body to conceal his left. foot. His whole

me see your foot, she demanded, her strong–willed nature evident

care much for social conventions, she didn’t flatter or pretend, and she wasn’t afraid to use force to silence people who opposed

no need. My foot

I insist on seeing the old injury,” she


hearing Isabelle’s words, Ethan immediately turned his gaze towards her.

show any part of his body, no matter what the weather was. Even during the hottest summer days, when the air conditioning broke down, and he was sweating buckets, he would refuse to wear shorts or anything that revealed

bones shattered than have

always solitary and preferred to keep his distance from others. But to his surprise, Isabelle’s warmth made

the one thing he cared about the

hurt in his eyes and remained

sat down. He silently lifted his pant leg, his knuckles turning white from gripping the fabric tightly.

appreciating the temperament of the


375 +6

Coin 1 Pearls


Heal or Break?

bent down to look closer, then suddenly grabbed Ethan’s calf. His eyes shook violently. He hesitated whether to bolt or ask Isabelle what she was doing when he heard her say. The muscle deterioration is not too severe. It

gazed at Isabelle in disbelief and said,

Isabelle said as she gestured to Ethan to roll

said. The doctor said …”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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