Chapter 44 Family’s Dinner Time

As soon as Layla received news of an invitation from her Uncle Sean to a luxurious hotel, she hastily donned her brand–new dress.

Layla gave Ethan a disapproving look as he appeared in his shabby clothes. “Didn’t Isabelle buy you new clothes?” she asked. “Why are you wearing those old ones again?”

Ethan shrugged, “I washed them.”

“Glorious International Hotel is the best five–star hotel in Norward City,” she said. “If you don’t dress appropriately, it would be awkward if we can’t even get in.”

Ethan didn’t want to argue with Layla, who was thrilled upon hearing the name of the hotel where their uncle invited them.

William also dressed in his finest outfit, and they rented a six–seater taxi for the occasion.

On the way. Layla kept checking her makeup in the mirror and chattering with Eleanor about how luxurious the hotel was..

Layla searched for information about the hotel online and presented it to her mother.

“Mom, according to the internet, a single vegetable at this hotel costs hundreds of dollars. Just look at these abalones and lobsters,” she exclaimed.

As William sat in the passenger seat, he turned his head and asked, “What kind of vegetable is so expensive?” The price they paid for their meal made him feel like they were eating gold instead of vegetables.

Isabelle and Ethan sat together at the back of the car.

Ethan stumbled upon a video interview featuring Isabelle, where he noticed some negative comments in the comments section from people who claimed to have insider information. He elbowed Isabelle to get her attention.

Isabelle removed her headphones and glanced at the phone screen that Ethan had given her.

“Isabelle, why don’t you remove these videos when we get home tonight?” Ethan whispered.

It was easy vices for Isabelle, and erasing a few videos was easy.

“Why go through all that trouble?” Isabelle didn’t care.

Seeing her attitude, Ethan didn’t say anything else.

As they pulled into the hotel, Eleanor couldn’t help but stick her head out the car window to marvel at the luxurious establishment.

Meanwhile, Layla straightened out her skirt and suppressed her excitement as she exited the car. She quickly took out her phone to snap pictures to post on social media after their meal.

As they approached the entrance, the doorman immediately recognised Isabelle and Ethan. He came forward to bow respectfully, asking. “Do you have a reservation?”


Sat, 1 Jun



find my younger brother. He invited us,” William said,

course, sir, May I ask for your brother’s last

William replied, his Norward City accent

follow me,” the waiter said,

At the same time, her mother asked her to capture the beautiful decorations

Isabelle strolled behind him

they reached the entrance, a high–end car pulled up, and Mike and his father

the beautiful and impeccably dressed

oozing the air of a

she smiled, but he appeared oblivious

wide grin spreading across his face. He held out his hands to Peter and


just got here! Peter and Bob

and is still as charming ast ever, exclaimed Bob, glancing over at Mike.

late, but let’s head up to the top floor, room 101. Our friends are already

that, they walked

Mike and asked, “How did you do on your exams?”

Mike responded indifferently.

do well either. Which university are you

Taragon University

couldn’t help but bite

her grades slipping and missing the chance to

was all

the gathering on the




that could accommodate

as the waiter showed William’s

“Am I late?” he asked,

seats, he invited William’s

fabulous! It looks like you’ve had a prosperous year, commented Kimberly as she carefully examined Eleanor’s outfit from top to bottom, her

Eleanor. However, inwardly, she couldn’t help but feel resentful. You flaunt your wealth every day, she thought. “My daughter got accepted into Taragon University, and I bet your son won’t even get

Layla greeted each relative at the table with


at Layla, she’s so well–behaved. All you ever do is play with your phone and computer, Kimberly scolded her son, turning her head

new arrival and asked,

Isabelle,” William

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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