Chapter 187 Unreasonable

“A VIP?” Dakota mocked. “Someone like her? Just tell me how much this emerald costs.”

The old shop manager replied, “This emerald belongs to Ms. Jenkins, and it’s not for sale. Even if she didn’t want it, we wouldn’t sell it.”

“Running a business but refusing to sell?” Dakota shot back. “Well, I insist on buying it today. Is Luxe Luster going to sell it to me or not?”

Isabelle picked up her things and prepared to leave.

She told Dakota, “Luxe Luster has no right to sell it because this emerald was mine to begin with.”

“By the way, this shop used to be mine, too.”

A while ago, she returned the shop to the owner.

The old shop manager and the shopkeeper exchanged glances, feeling both puzzled and deeply respectful.

None of the VIP guests on the list were extraordinary people.

Dakota laughed as if she’d heard a great joke. She taunted, “Are you saying this shop is yours? Aren’t you bold enough to claim that? Did you hear what she just said?”

The old shop manager ignored Dakota.

“Tell your boss to blacklist her. Since she increased the price of that emerald by 750 thousand, make sure she pays for it,” Isabelle said. Not wanting to waste time, she walked out of the shop.

The old shop manager responded, “Understood, have a good day.”

Dakota shouted at the back and said, “Who do you think you are? What



Chapter 187 Unreasonable.

do you

shop manager calmly replied, “She

to the shopkeeper and instructed, “Help the customer pack the emerald.”

address Dakota

my family? Luxe Luster must be looking to close down.”

smile, “I’m afraid your family

“How dare you!”

Luxe Luster is very mysterious and

alone in a house nearby the university. He only stayed at home during the

grand. Therefore, the Burton mansion served

were streaming in.

was highly respected nationwide. The old man came from a prestigious family. His in–laws also came from powerful families. Therefore, the guests were the who’s who of

the living room,



10 Jun

Chapter 187 Unreasonable


them, “Mr. Sullivan, long time no see.

presence is enough; there is no

Magnus,” greeted Bella, who followed her father closely.

said with a smile, “Hello, how have your

grumbled, “Why do you and my dad always ask

and asked, “So, are you

birthday today; of course

time, don’t bet with others so

struggled with her

his daughter’s head and said, “Go find your sister and your friends. I saw the Holmes kid at the entrance.

not going

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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