Chapter 199 Wade Visits


The car drove into the old part of the city and stopped in front of the Jenkins‘ house.

Wade, who had been resting in the back seat, opened his eyes and glanced out the window. He asked, “Are we here?”

He rubbed his tired eyes, worn out from a couple of days on the road.

“Yes, Mr. Sullivan,” his assistant replied, quickly getting out to open the car door.

As soon as he heard they had arrived, Wade’s energy returned. He stepped out of the car and looked at the old, shabby courtyard in front of him. He glanced around at the neighbouring houses, all in much better condition than this one.

Wade felt a mix of emotions. Despite the renovations, the house’s previous state was still evident..

Standing at the entrance, Wade took in the place where Isabelle had grown up, feeling a deep sense of guilt and sorrow.

“I’ll knock,” the assistant said, rapping on the Jenkins‘ door.

“Who are you looking for?” asked Eleanor, stepping out of her house next door.

She watched Wade and his assistant up and down. They looked. distinguished and well–dressed, as did the car.

Eleanor craned her neck to get a better look at the car. Clearly, this wealthy man is probably here to see that ungrateful girl again.

But what are they here for–money or something else?




Chapter 199 Wade Visits

Madam Jenkins?”

past couple of days, Wade had familiarized himself with the

address surprised Eleanor. It wasn’t every day someone called her so politely, especially not someone

peanut into her mouth, Eleanor brushed her hands together and adjusted her shoulders. With a smile, she replied in a softer, more pretentious voice, “That’s me. How do you know my

here to see you and your husband,” Wade extended his hand and said, “Nice to meet you.”

appearance from his youth had matured into a distinguished

man, Eleanor shyly tucked a strand of hair behind

she said, shaking

grew even softer and more pretentious. She asked, “What brings you here? I don’t know

withdrew his hand and said politely,

course, please come in,” Eleanor said eagerly, opening the

the ground.

old threshing machine in the corner all made the place look rundown. An old water numn in the


199 Wade



the fridge and TV looked out of place, being the only new and valuable items.

earrings and

some tea and turned to see Wade

is interested in this house for a



some tea.”

her, but as he stepped forward, he accidentally kicked. stainless


bending down to move the basin aside.


large, but cluttered and messy. There were several rooms, but

Eleanor said, handing him a cup


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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