Chapter 239 Brawl

Jim heard the commotion and stepped out of the house to find George and Yves locked in a fierce fight.

He adjusted his glasses and leaned against the doorframe, enjoying the spectacle.

The brawl was too intense for the wooden house to endure. Within moments, the table and chairs in the middle were reduced to splinters, and several walls were badly damaged.

If they kept this up, the house would collapse soon.

Just as Jim was about to tell them to take the fight outside, the door opposite swung open, revealing an irritated Isabelle. “Have you had enough?”

At her request, George immediately stopped.

It was unclear whether Yves was unable to stop his attack or simply unwilling to, but he landed a solid blow on George’s chest.

George took a step back, with pain spreading through his chest.

Isabelle’s expression darkened further.

Jim remarked, “Great, now you’ve woken her up.”

She glared at the two who were fighting and roared, “You’re too loud!”

She retreated back inside and slammed the door shut.

Last night, Isabelle went to the Warners‘ territory, injuring several of their men and killing a few. Early this morning, Ryan lashed out again.

Predictably, Josh became his punching bag.

Ryan was accustomed to Josh’s constant berating and spitting of insults, each one more vicious than the


“You’re a disgrace! A bastard born of a whore. It’s a shame to have trash like you born into our family,” Ryan spat venomously.

When he finally got tired of cursing him,

get so worked up? It’s not worth harming your health.”

water down, cursing him silently for

to sense something

heart and yanked it out.

shock as the cup fell from his

Ryan gasped



Chapter 239 Brawl

his face, sniffed it, and said, “Your blood stinks as much as your

chest and collapsed on the ground. He threatened, “Trash! Our family won’t

spare you.”

you? Everyone saw that Ardon girl do it. Josh crouched

and unwillingness filled Ryan’s eyes.

it’s best if you’re mute.” He slowly raised his hand, then drove the

sat facing each other at the table.

still unsatisfied from the fight, looked at George with eyes full of malice, as if he were ready

gazes clashed, and the air was thick

He looked at Isabelle, who was still sleepy and irritable,

fighting Yves, but for waking

remained expressionless, eyes

grew colder.

men brought food.

once/He advised, “Have breakfast and ignore them.” He

half–asleep and grumpy, while the other two

bread tasteless and reluctantly decided to play peacemaker.

replied, “I stay up

stayed up all night. Did he mean he couldn’t sleep

George explained,

turned to Yves. “Did

at George remained unchanged.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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