Resurrecting the Genius Within

Chapter 247 She’s Gone

Several figures interwined in the room, the sounds of fighting filled the air.

After a round of combat, Spadille fully understood what Shadowblade had felt.

Although Shadowblade had already warned him, experiencing it firsthand with Isabelle was still shocking for Spadille.

It was indeed identical.

And this girl’s strength surpassed his own.

Spadille didn’t want to die here, nor did he want to make enemies with Yves and George, so he made a quick decision.

If he couldn’t fight them, he would flee.

He seized an opportunity and escaped directly from the balcony.

Leaping from the third floor, he quickly vanished into the moonlit night.

As Isabelle reached the balcony, she glanced back at Yves and George, who had become entangled with Shadowblade. She leaped down from the balcony and chased after Spadille.

When George saw Isabelle jump from the balcony, he was deeply worried and momentarily distracted. He was attacked with a blade.

Under the bright moonlight, the illuminated maze–like building looked splendorous, but beneath this glamorous exterior, it was a scene of hell on earth, with corpses strewn everywhere.

George’s men arrived one after another.

Worried about George’s safety, Seth went all out to deal with his enemies and immediately rushed to support George.

“Mr. George,” Seth arrived in injured.

George immediately broke free and went to chase Isabelle.

Yves watched George run away. He cursed and watched helplessly as George fled.

George, “Mr. George, she drove off in

drove after her.

thirty kilometers in one direction but

blood in the car gradually became stronger.

steering wheel, was soaked

this, he was completely unaware.



247 She’s Gone

the gas pedal, searching for her along

and was about to turn around, finally two flames appeared ahead.

car approached, George rushed out.

Not far away.

two cars had crashed and burned, leaving only

air was filled with a burning smell,

a lot of blood on the ground, scattered

battle had just taken place

body was burned beyond

was thrown

his brain could react, he had already rushed


of the cars exploded again, the flames flaring up

body wasn’t Isabelle; the shape didn’t match.

George looked

asked, raising

shouted urgently.

the raging fire illuminated his frantic figure. George’s footsteps were weak as he called out, “Isabelle!”


to leap out of his chest. He looked at the dark silence

and composed, at this moment, George was in chaos. A small stone was thrown from the shadows, hitting George’s

then turned and looked in the direction where the stone came from,

meters, by a small creek, a girl was squatting sideways. She was petite, wearing black attire, and

and he rushed over.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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