Chapter 331 Isabelle’s Trivial Matter

Chase asked, “So, should we head over now?”

Isabelle responded, “No hurry.“.

She gestured to Joshua.

Joshua came over and handed her the laptop.



Isabelle hacked into the repair shop’s surveillance system, trying to get the full footage, but couldn’t find it.

She then hacked into the media outlet’s equipment and found the surveillance video, but it was the same as the one online–already edited.

They didn’t have the complete, unedited surveillance footage.

Looks like I’ll have to go in person.

Isabelle stood up from the sofa.

Joshua said, I’ll go with you.

Chase looked at Joshua.

Joshua remarked, “I’m involved too.”

Then Isabelle and Joshua followed Chase out of the school.

Many people saw this scene. They didn’t know who Chase was, but they didn’t see Isabelle and Joshua for the rest of the day.

Chase was driving. After hearing the whole story from Isabelle, he asked, “Which repair shop?”

responded, “Ridgeway Auto Repair,

opened the GPS and made

not going through official

“We can do that anytime. Let’s get the surveillance footage first and reveal the full story.”

of the internet. One trending topic after another emerged,

into the mess

expressed their opinion.

character has nothing to do with education. Taragon University will accept any

what kind of parents raise a kid like this.”

331 Isabelle’s Trivial Matter

problem for society.


this cruel. This is shocking.


poor family in Helios District, Norward City. Her family is super poor, yet she drives such a nice car. Do I need to spell out

but now he’s working in some government office. Impressive. There’s

owner now? Does anyone know if they’re still alive? Those screams

lawyer? They were even hugging each other. This

watching the video was, The car!

dented over and over again,

dream car, even though

really ruining the car!

more extravagant than


media outlets just keep writing crap all day long. It’s like a garbage truck passing by their doorstep!

Science Department to find Isabelle, only to hear that Isabelle and Joshua had left the school together, and they had


harshest media outlets and called each one, giving their company chairmen a

his mind.

public outrage. There were countless media outlets

take down related

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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