Chapter 420 Escape



Moon Shadow’s mind echoed with Isabelle’s words from the car. “Dark Shadow has suffered heavy losses. now. There will soon be another ‘mission failed‘ Blood Shadow. You could be next.”

Moon Shadow nodded and said, “My life belongs to the organisation. I am willing to follow any orders, even if it costs my life.”

Clubs patted Moon Shadow’s shoulder approvingly and said, I’m relieved to hear that.”

Then, Clubs added sadly, “We have invested so much in Blood Shadow, but she repaid us with betrayal. Forget it; there’s no use talking about it.”

Moon Shadow continued to follow him and asked, “Should we notify Joker and get another superior here?”

Clubs replied, “I’ll contact them shortly.”

Moon Shadow probed, “Master, that girl is as strong and cunning as Blood Shadow. Should I keep an eye on her?”

Clubs said, “Go ahead; I’ll open the door for you.”

Moon Shadow turned and went back to the first floor. He stood in front of a concealed door, waiting for Clubs to open it from the control room on the second floor.

When Moon Shadow returned to the underground lab, there were already two new devices in the iron cage. The technicians were connecting the devices to Isabelle’s brain.

At this moment, Isabelle was nothing more than a research subject for them.

Moon Shadow looked at her youthful face. As he stared, Isabelle’s face overlapped with Blood Shadow’s in his mind.

For a moment, it was as if he saw Blood Shadow about to be experimented on in the cage instead of Isabelle.

iron cage, Isabelle’s eyelids lifted slightly. Her gaze passed over the white coats in front of her, landing briefly on Moon

familiar look made Moon Shadow even more dazed.

Once the castle returned to its usual calm, no one noticed that the drone in

fist–sized, eye–like metal sphere detached from the drone and flew

freely navigated

it very seriously. He even visited the lab multiple times a

body was covered in needle marks, with various devices attached to her

Isabelle felt only a


Chapter 420 Escape



team worked tireless

were delighted with the


had a moment to rest.

quieted down temporarily.

Moon Shadow remained diligently guarding

head drooped. It was unclear if she was asleep or unconscious. They had injected her with muscle

suddenly spoke, his voice soft yet as cold as a machine. “Is this how Storm Shadow


figure stiffen slightly before she slowly lifted her face, expressionless as she looked at him.

Shadow was equally expressionless as he replied,

desolate. The castle glowed with a single light, and the interior

most were asleep, tiny red dots, like fireflies,

radar quickly detected them,

red lights quickly surrounded the castle, appearing overhead. One drone locked onto its target and crashed into


and signal tower were destroyed together. The flames briefly illuminate

remaining drones also locked onto their targets and commenced a frenzy of self–destructive bombings.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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