Chapter 435 Confrontation

The car pulled up to the hospital, and Lawrence first scoped out the area to ensure it was safe before George carried Isabelle inside.

The hospital was the most dangerous place.

After tending all her wounds, before the nurse could administer the IV to Isabelle, a voice came through Seth’s Bluetooth earpiece downstairs, causing Seth’s expression to stiffen.

He told George, “The people from Dark Shadow have arrived.”

George picked up the medicine and left without delay.

They safely left the hospital and found a small inn.

Lawrence took the initiative to check out the inn first before informing George that they could check–in.

George carefully placed Isabelle on the bed and took out several IV bags and tubes he had brought from the hospital.

He removed half of the gauze from his hand, revealing fingers stitched up and prepared to insert the needle into the back of his hand.

Seth hurriedly stopped him, saying, “Sir, let me do it.”

George ignored him.

Seth insisted. “I promise to do it successfully before attending to Miss Jenkins.”

George couldn’t trust him to do it, so he attempted it himself. Seth could only stand by with a cotton swab to help stop the bleeding.

Shortly after, both George and Seth had multiple needle marks on the backs of their hands.

Even though he had already succeeded, Seth couldn’t stand seeing George repeatedly pricking his hand, causing blood to pool. He felt anxious.

“Should I go grab a nurse from the clinic?” Seth asked though he knew the answer himself.

should he ask George? He immediately

so it wasn’t too hard for him. But it took him five or six successful tries before

those of the grown men, but luckily George had thought ahead and grabbed a tourniquet from the hospital on their way

the tourniquet to Isabelle’s arm to make her veins

successful attempt, George breathed a sigh of relief and let go of

day later. The room’s curtains were tightly drawn, leaving her

Chapter 435 Confrontation

was holding her

someone kneeling by the bedside.

two days, taking medicine for the same duration, and thankfully. her fever had

they moved on to

the car and picked up George

carried Isabelle into the car. As soon as they set off, another car came out

impact caused their car’s front end

held her tightly

out of

down to

were shot

pulled out

advantage of the distraction George opened the car door and carried falte

planning to head in the direction they had prepared to fier, they spotted a person coming towards them from the opposite direction, going

noticed the person “Sir, you go

back to

only une who arrived

Lawrence was unreachable

reach Lawrence, but all attempts were met

“We can’t stay here. We need to find a way to leave

Dark Shadow members.

to the southeast, and this smoke bomb should be able to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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