Chapter 443 Jealousy

The little boy saw it and asked, “You don’t feed your wife?”

Isabelle responded, “It’s not tasty.”

The little boy said, “It’s clearly very tasty. It’s the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten. There’s even meat in it. It’s as tasty as chocolate cake.”


He quietly ate the noodle, with his dark eyes stealing glances at Isabelle without blinking.

Isabelle asked, “Why do you keep peeking at me?”

The little boy was caught in the act, feeling shy. “Because you’re pretty.”

He was good at coaxing girls. Then, he added, “You speak Egnaric very beautifully.”

Isabelle said, “Just look if you want.”

The little boy felt even more embarrassed. With a flushed face, he finished the last bit of soup in his bowl, set it down, and quickly left.

Isabelle was about to take a sip of water when she heard someone speaking sarcastically, “You’re quite generous, Miss Jenkins.”

She looked at him. “Jealous?”

George was taken aback. “Hmm?”

Jealous of that little boy?

Isabelle said, “If I told you to look, do you dare to?”

She was still irritated about him taking advantage of the situation the night before to kiss her neck while helping her bathe.

George thought, I’m just jealous, how did the conversation turn to this? Loose lips indeed sink ships.

Remembering how she blushed and the kiss he left on her neck, someone decided. to take a chance. “Maybe you should try seducing me again tonight.”



Chapter 443 Jealousy


he couldn’t just sit back, so he decided to be bold for once.

“I’ll poke your eyes out if

“I believe you

shot him a

cradled her head, and fed it to her, saying, “Be

In the evening.

boy came

see what George was making for dinner. He kept going back

he suddenly took out a poorly wrapped chocolate cake and placed it on Isabelle’s bedside.

this for

and turned to look.

brat trying to

him, “Where have you been sleeping these

gift, the boy felt his excitement translate into. his body. He waved his little

there’s a house that’s been collapsed for

didn’t go home to sleep because if the neighbours saw him, they would inevitably ask questions. That was why he hid in the collapsed


no mood, and there was nothing

the little boy, but instead remarked in George’s retreating ligure, “He’s got a home but doesn’t go

set up a bod for him here in a

the little boy asked, “What are

neighbones‘ sight and had the little boy lead the way to pick up

also laid down an old blanket for him:

sleep there at night, he asked, “Then do I have to pay you back the money you gave


instantly cheered up again.

their own Despite this, three people sharing

though the little boy was thirteen or fourteen, he looked about ten because of long–term malnutrition.

then, he kept trying to start conversations with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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