Chapter 445 Brat


Before Isabelle could reply, the little boy sensed a shift and turned to find George’s solemn face.

Fear and confusion instantly gripped the boy.

George, usually gentle and refined, spoke with a touch of spite, “You’ll never be richer than me.”

He articulated each word in Egnaric, his tone sharp.

The boy remained silent, feeling distinctly uncomfortable.

Glancing at Isabelle on the bed, she seemed on the verge of laughter but restrained. herself.

In hindsight, George realized his pettiness was uncalled for.

Despite this, the trio continued to live harmoniously in the small house, their possessions gradually increasing over time.

The boy was naive and, thanks to that, bold. He expressed his love for Isabelle even though George was around.

Each day, he made a lengthy trek to procure Isabelle’s favorite chocolate biscuits and fresh mineral water. Then, come bedtime, he entertained her with rambling tales.

That night, George advised him to turn in early.

Realizing he’d been chatty and likely annoyed George, the boy sat up, his view only the undersides of the beds.

“Sorry,” he said. “As a kid, I’d gab away with my folks before bed, always sleeping between them.”

Turning to Isabelle, he commented, “Things would be simpler if you were a bit older.”

Isabelle quipped back, “You want to call me Mom or something?”

Tha hou managed



friend showed up,

later,” the boy bid

them, he quickly returned to whisper to Isabelle, “I need

chocolate cookies for you,” he added before darting

the sky

garbage dump all day with his friends, the boy swiftly

of night, he hurried back, hiding the cookies in his clothes and carrying two mismatched shoes

cookies with Isabelle later, a sense of satisfaction warming

reverie, he collided with someone, causing him to

retrieved the dropped chocolate cookies, brushing off

found himself face to face with an Ardon man

in on the chocolate

was affluence, but

streets, only a few lights dotted the area, signaling that most had retired

debris, and the fetid stench of urine and feces hung heavy

boy made his way past each dwelling, clutching the two chocolate cookies he had bought


* Finish &

one of his shoes slipped off, forcing him

lose this pair of

he halted, reached back with his small foot, and retrieved the shoe, casting at nervous

weapon in the man’s hand, he squeezed his chocolate cookie tighter, feeling

on, he dragged his shoe

the long shadow of

him as he moved forward. Despite the occasional murmurs from nearby houses, the surroundings remained eerily quiet.

journey, he didn’t run into

shadow doggedly stayed to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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