“Are you crazy? Don’t blame everything on me just because things went wrong for you. I don’t understand a word of what you’re talking about. I don’t even know what manuscript it is!” Xenia was not apologetic at all.

“Don’t lie. I know you know who Xandra Green is.”

“I’m sorry, but I really have no idea who she is. What’s wrong with you, huh? I know you’re having a hard time with the Hayes, but don’t blame it on me. I’ll still help you because you’re my cousin, but you’ll have to ask nicely instead of accusing me like this!”

Sasha could not believe Xenia would still try to play the good person at this point, but she calmed herself down and thought about what she said.

“Fine. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance to admit what you did. I’ll make sure you pay for what you did to me. You will regret you’re born by then.”

Sasha vented all her hatred over the phone. She was never this aggressive toward Xenia because back then, she would still be polite toward her for the sake of Jackson and Sharon.

But, Xenia brought this on herself.

She took Sasha for a pushover ever since they were young. Xenia never once thought Sasha would take revenge on her.

You want to make me pay?

In your dreams, Sasha!

After ending the call, Sasha got ready to go out in the afternoon.

better for you to stay in until you recover. Mr. Hayes will

had no choice but to call

“Hey… Are you busy?”

him. She decided to ask if he was available before she continued

was usually busy at this

it was almost new

at the pile of documents on his table and put her on speaker before he

go to Uncle Jackson’s place. I haven’t seen them for a while and it’s almost the new year now. It’ll be great

of a random

this mean she thinks we’re still

Sebastian’s lips without even him noticing. “Sure. Ask Karl to send you over,” he said, signing his

own. I’m thinking of going to buy

them, but rather, she wanted to give them a heads up because Xenia was

approval, Sasha hopped on the white Cayenne and drove

Sasha drove

don’t get involved. Just make sure

a glance at the document file on the side of his table. Those were the information about

figured out who betrayed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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