Unfortunately, Sasha did not have a choice.

She could not just let Xenia harm Sebastian nor let Sebastian go down with her.

Not on my watch!

Sasha got in the car and closed the door beside her. Hot incipient tears in her eyes rolled down her cheeks in streams.

“I’m sorry, Uncle Jackson and Aunt Sharon.”

After some time, Sasha started the engine and got ready to drive off.

A thought came to her mind before she drove away. She wanted to see Dr. Rocke. She wanted to know how she managed to cure Sebastian.

There was also another thing Sasha could not understand. The doctor told her she was a ticking time bomb. What exactly does she mean by that?

Sasha set her GPS for the Rocke residence in Old Town. Just as she started driving, her phone rang.


“Ms. Wand? Could you come home now? The Hayes sent Matteo home just now. He’s not feeling well. It seems like he caught a cold yesterday.”

“What? Matt fell sick?”

Sasha took a sharp U-turn and drove back to Frontier Bay.

this, he gave Sebastian a call.

his immaculate office when he got the call. “What

her uncle’s house for a while before coming out, but she stayed

in her

two oldies scolded her because

settled on Sebastian’s

report back to me about every single detail. Keep a close

“Yes, Mr. Hayes.”

called his men and

One. When she reached

a sudden?” Sasha carried the boy

not even greet Frederick when she saw

healthy boy like

good baby growing up. Sasha had to take care of him and Vivian, so the boy saw to it that he never made his mother worry. He took good care of

to call out to her

“I’m sorry, Mommy.”

came over and apologized when he saw

him on his head and comforted him. “It’s not your fault,

after he went to grand-uncle’s place. We won’t go to


finally remembered Frederick, who had

place since he’s the oldest among everyone else. They had a good time there but Matteo developed a fever at night.

was the first time Frederick talked to her privately after their last encounter. Xandra was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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