
Has Sebastian married Roxanne?

Her heart tightened painfully at the thought. For the past half-year, she had not felt anything at all.

But the moment she heard the news, she suddenly found it difficult to breathe.

The moment she called Jackson back, she spat out, “They… They are also his children. Does he not care?”

“If he cared, would this have happened? Let me tell you that the Rockes and the Hayes are closely intertwined now. Soon, they will be living together. If you don’t want your son to die in their hands, you have better come back at once!” Jackson raged before ending the call once more.

Sasha’s head began to spin.

Even the Rocke family has moved in?

Roxanne did mention that their families were supposed to have entered a marriage of convenience in the first place. Therefore, now that she has become Mrs. Hayes, there’s nothing strange about them moving in.

However, why do they need to torture my son?

Is it because Sebastian intends to have other children? Are they no longer important to him when he has new kids? Or is it because they are my children?

Sasha shut her eyes in anger.

Finally, she decided to return in person.

Meanwhile, Lance was delighted by her decision. The day she was due to fly, he woke up early on purpose to send her to the airport.

I’ll hold the fort and take


nodded plainly before boarding her flight in

a night to think through the matter, she had managed to calm down. There was nothing

plane, she settled into her seat by the window. Coincidentally, the lady

know, I know. This time, I will definitely take pictures of the best scenes. So, don’t

woman finally switched off her phone after the flight attendant had urged her to

boss is just really naggy. I hope I didn’t disturb you,”

to show that she didn’t

keep to

magazine. It’s really famous, and a lot of my articles are in there. Go ahead

“Thank you.”

had nothing

that she had often seen the magazine on the streets of Moranta. It focused

In that case, what story are you

lit up in delight

come from prestigious backgrounds. If I can get a scoop, my magazine will definitely

“Wedding of the century?”

chuckled at

means some famous superstars. After all, this is what their work revolves


if I will be able to take the children

into an ugly battle. Either that or I might be able to take them easily. After all, the children seem to

clenched her fists at that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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