“Lennie, just stay right here until I’m back. I’ll be heading over to the financial department to collect the check.”


Lance, who was occupied with his phone, hummed in response.

The moment she reached the financial department, the entire building started shaking, accompanied by a thunderous bang.

“What’s going on? Are we under attack?”

“Someone has blown up the building! They’re fighting again!”

The person’s words indicated that it wasn’t the first time such a thing had occurred.

Within a few seconds, all hell broke loose in the building.

Immediately after Sasha retrieved the check, she put it into her bag along with the contract and rushed in the direction of the entrance.

However, the petite woman ended up being shoved to the side by the crowd before she could reach the entrance.

To make things worse, the ones outside started firing shots at those in the building.


collapsing in front of her the moment she was shot

the heck am I? Why

with fear, she started

just yet! Lance needs me! I need to make my way back to him!

place, but at the thought of returning to her cousin, she braced herself and made her way

man shattered the window and barged into the office out of nowhere. He grabbed her hand and yelled,

her senses, she asked the man behind her, “H-Huh?

explaining himself. Instead, he took her away against her will, jumping out of the window while holding

was in a state of bewilderment at the turn

into the car and departed did she

the car at once! I need to make my way back

came to her senses, she yelled at the

in since he had gone to great lengths to save

said, “Nancy, listen to me! We have

want you to stop the

cool, Sasha shrieked at the top

the duo making their escape after trudging his way

in blood turned icy gradually. Truth be told, he could have easily made his

spite of the danger he would be putting himself in, he insisted on making his way downstairs just to ensure that Sasha was

his surprise, she had escaped with another man and left

smirk and removed his glasses

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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