What the heck is wrong with me? Why am I getting flustered when he’s my freaking cousin? You need to calm down, Sasha!

In an attempt to calm herself, she looked elsewhere to avoid her cousin’s gaze.


Meanwhile, Solomon’s assistant, who stopped the car in front of the pile of rubble, noticed that he had his eyes fixated on something.

His assistant couldn’t help but wonder if Solomon’s plan had failed once again.

The moment his assistant approached Solomon, he asked, “Have you figured out the identity of the mysterious men?”

“My apologies, but we couldn’t find out their whereabouts since they have been conducting their operations in secret.”

Solomon’s assistant started perspiring in fear as he wasn’t able to complete the assigned task.

Truth be told, he was surprised that there was not a single piece of information on the mysterious bunch after he spent an entire day investigating them.

In spite of being adequately influential, their effort was to no avail as there was nothing they could learn about the mysterious men.

All of a sudden, Solomon muttered, “He has made it out alive once again.”

His assistant gaped at Solomon’s statement and said in disbelief, “What?”

He escaped again?

the militants after they had entered the building! It’s impossible for him to make it out alive without

Solomon added, “On


assistant’s question, Solomon immersed himself in

Lance throughout the past few days. It’s obvious

not surprising for Lance to get full of himself in front of me. However, he couldn’t care less to show Sasha some

irked by Sasha’s presence. Why would someone hold

was why I came up with this plan in order to find


fled without him, I saw him glaring in our direction with his hatred-filled eyes! It

However, he came back for her

they’re just cousins! I’m sure there’s something going on behind the

asking, “W-Who’s the

with a vicious smirk, “I have never

“What do you mean?”

person I have in mind, it’s time to—” Out of the blue, a strong murderous intent could be


really the one we have been searching for, we no longer have to waste our time and effort

other hand, the duo at the hospital found out that Sasha sustained a severe injury after a piece of fractured cement pierced through her

the only thing she had in mind

vigorous activities for the time being. Keep

treated and handed

and insisted on having Sasha hospitalized for the night. “What the heck

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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