Chapter 158

Michael was bleeding at the forehead and had a cut lip, and it was all probably because of


“Ah… So, it was just an accident! After reviewing the surveillance footage, we saw that someone in the local vicinity had been hurting people, and this upset the young man.

“That was why he grew agitated and injured Mr. Ford who happened to be waiting outside the house,” the police officer explained in an effort to mediate the situation.

“Both parties are at fault here,” he concluded.

Michael gritted his teeth. “I’m at fault for waiting outside the door?”

“What were you doing waiting outside someone’s house in the middle of the night anyway? Wouldn’t any normal person mistake you for a bad guy for hanging around the area like that?”

The officer then quickly winked at Michael and said quietly, “Plus, why would a sane man like you be so bothered by the acts of a madman?”

Michael scoffed in response.

The police officer then turned to me. “But you should still pay due compensation.

I looked at Michael’s pale and injured face under the streetlamp.

His greatest fear was dogs, and the fact that Steven had brought nearly a dozen of them back home, well…

Heck, his knees

looked at

how long you’ll last by his side. Who knows, he might end up choking

glanced at the time and saw

to see me alone. “If you don’t, I’ll get a lawyer and file an application

furrowed my brows and glared at Michael.


had gotten what he wanted, he left in his car.

person alone, but I knew the reason wouldn’t

residence the entire night? Why didn’t he stay by his “kind

was more of a lunatic to me.

He was still hiding behind the door

with his head bowed,

night instead of sleeping?”

men…” Steve whispered.

back to make Martin’s men leave because

that the kid only listens to

idea how dangerous it was for you to go back home alone so late

stray dogs roaming around the dumpsters nearby.

now. “Do dogs count as people?” I

Steven’s expression turned darkly, and the atmosphere

thought that perhaps I saw wrongly,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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